
Whats So Funny About Truth, Justice and the American Way? examines something along these lines. Its also just been adapted into one of the animated films called Superman vs the Elite and is well worth a watch. It looks at a group who are willing to "fix the world" and how that fits in with Supermans world.

This is something that's gone over in The Authority, and later What's so Funny about Truth, Justice and the American Way? and Superman vs the Elite. The Authority takes a look at a group that DOES take the fight to the dictators, the corrupt and sorting out the world.

Reminds me of my Antec 900 case (Although not to that scale). Thing was a dust magnet, it would be coated in a week, dust bunnies everywhere. Moved to a Coolermaster HAF case, hadn't opened it in a year, opened it up a few weeks back and was still pristine. Never doubt the effectiveness of decent filters.

The servers are currently infested with Xenomorph. Nuking from orbit, just to be sure (Error LV426)

Good for the US. It was down for about 5 hours or so Sunday in Europe, one of the 2 days most people get the chance to play it (Some there only day). The game may be great, but the launch was a mess, and if this is more widespread than a few accounts, the general opinion won't be shifting any time soon.

*Explodes from cutness*. Always wanted a Husky, even though they end up massive and need a million walks a day. And they howl so I'd need a secluded house. Still want a Husky though.

Honestly, with a game like Borderlands that is so multiplayer focused, buy it where your friends are. I originally picked up the PC copy but everyone I knew at the time got 360, so after a while I traded the PC one in and got the console version. With 2, I know a fair few PC players now so I'm definitely sticking with

BL2 is shifting over to Steamworks so HOPEFULLY the online should be completely shifted over and work properly.

Same. This coming generation more than most I'm heavily dependent on backwards compatibility, since my 360 retail collection is the largest I've had on console and I've got a whole host of XBLA titles. I'm already considering sitting out the next set of consoles (apart from possibly Nintendo since I'm a sucker for

Thats only in the US isn't it? Unless they're starting to add it to international runs with the release of the US version?

Same here, apart from a beta of some random one called Horizon. Won a copy, six month time card and sidestory novel in PC Zone, definitely helped getting me attached to the world.

I was coming in to say that. That game was brutal on the touchscreen.

THANK YOU! I knew there was something absolutely inherently wrong with the ending and how it gelled with the rest of the story, in that I've seen tv shows or films I love that have ended badly, but they haven't made me feel as annoyed or off as this has and I couldn't put my finger on why, but you've pretty much spelt

So how does that gel considering up until that final 5 minutes, everyones Shepard is likely different? I don't get this whole artistic integrity arguement for this game specifically, since the whole concept for the past 5 years has been hat it is YOUR Shepard and your story to change as you see fit. By rights, the

I gotta say personally, the "Leaving Earth" version out shines the ending. The Reaper horn especially creates a sheer sense of dread and despair and perfectly fits the moment it is used in the game.

Its amusing reading these comments how many of the "You're all just entitled gamers" detractors also say they haven't finished/played the games, or didn't give two shits about the story anyway. I thought after seeing everything kick off "Well, I better prepare myself" and lowered my expectations to "As bad as Lost"

This is my thing also. TV shows are a passive medium, you're along for the ride. I HATED Lost, I moaned on twitter about how it ended, but not once would I ever DARE ask them to change it, because it was their (The characters or indeed the creators, but lets not get into auteur theory) story.

I'm not talking about me personally, I usually go with Shopto, Amazon or Zavvi online. But I worked in a GAME for a few years and got that impression from a lot of customers, and from people I've talked to since.

Very simply, Game Group owned pretty much the only 2 specialist gaming stores on the high street. With them gone, its up to HMV and the supermarkets to provide. HMV have been horrendously overpriced since Zavvi went under (SSX was £47 when I went in a few weeks ago, Fable 3 is still £30), and the supermarkets were

But then the opposite argument applies. What happens if you have a massively critically acclaimed game that just doesn't get the sales due to a variety of reasons outside of the developers controls (Such as the publisher putting it out against the Autumn/Winter big hitters, or just refusing to put any marketing money