
@rekijitsu89: I have tried to reply to this 3 times now, and end up wiping out my theories since the fact that they're already in a dream when the freefall happens throws everything out.

@Blobdude: I think its more the $10 a month subscription for Hulu Plus thats being considered rather than PS Plus

@ninja.muser: The intro to Uprising already sounds a hell of a lot like the theme.

@Protector one: Only way they could get round the licencing issues I reckon. It'll be something along the lines that Nintendo own the rights to a Goldeneye based game (Hence no XBLA version of the original despite Rare being a 2nd party dev for MS) but MGM or he himself owns the rights to using Pierce Brosnans

@Panzercat: Unfortunately technology is such a volitile market that the ST/SW alagory doesn't hold weight. Whereas with the films if the last one was shit you can go back to the classics, with technology you're only as good as your latest product, since the previous ones are by that point outdated.

@WolfPupTK: That second link has made my day. Thank you :D

@BadShane: Isn't he tipped to be playing Hank Pym though? Bit hard to play both scientist characters in the same film.

@The_Hellraiser: 2 books and a comic miniseries. The books are actually really good and do expand nicely on the universe.

@crow412: It may not help, but both games are available on PC too.

@Hi-Im-Asylum: I saw that on the E3 feed before the MS show started, it looked absolutely amazing but I'd not heard anything before or anything since.

@BoxOfScraps: Its funny because looking at Doctor Who you'd think the CGI department of the BBC was a 5 year old Dell workstation, but some of the documentary based CGI is amazing.

@Randki: Its rut of being absolutely fantastic and finally well written?

@SynthOno: For some reason, I can only read that as if it was being said by Zapp Branigan.

@yoNaturale: How in the hell could the park even attempt to deny liability?

@Agent355: Eccleston wants as little to do with Doctor Who as possible, at least thats how I understand it from interview snippets. Basically he never really got into the role and didn't enjoy his time doing it, hence his quitting after the first series of New Who.

@Brian Michael Stempien: I never realised she was one of the Potentials in Buffy and first remember seeing her in The Guild.

@VirusHunter: TBH, I thought the same thing until I watched Edgar Wrights video blogs. Cera seems to just have been typecast as he seems far more outgoing and has a bit more of Scotts confidence than any of his characters, and if he plays Scott like he acts in the blogs, I think he'll be fine.