As a developer (web, not necessarily game other than some very light attempts), I 100% was picking up what you were putting down.
As a developer (web, not necessarily game other than some very light attempts), I 100% was picking up what you were putting down.
Given how absurd the entire thing reads as a response, it’s pretty clearly intentional. Easiest joke set up in the world: Call someone out on a simple error, carry on about what an error it was, then close with the last line containing a similar error.
You didn’t hear a loud “WHOOSH” sound go by overhead, did you?
This is awesome - thanks for sharing
To be fair, “Jim Sterling” as we see him on the channel is character.
I see nothing wrong with the new look of the trailer, aside from the cranial downgrade of this commentor.
Please tell us what it is that you do that you need to grab hold of your PS4 like that... I am really curious. It’s not a handheld and there is such a thing called cloth to clean said fingerprints.
HAHAHA what a big problem you have.
How often are you grabbing/picking up your console? Wtf?
Never got this complaint for consoles. I mean, who goes around grabbing, or picking up their console that often? I’m more worried about the thing gathering dust, or not being able to stand without a stupid pedestal.
Nintendo can’t change the IP law, particularly regarding trademarks. If you don’t defend your trademark in the US then you risk losing it completely. So yes, while it’s sad to lose the Metroid 2 remake, Nintendo owns the trademark to Metroid and if they let this slide and another developer (let’s just say Konami fo…
I’d settle for a Play of the Game video that just shows a Dev just sitting there and pressing the keys to ban them that they have to watch the moment it kicks them.
Consider, for a moment, the relative frequency of mass shootings in the US as compared to other nations (and I’m American, for reference).
Now, ask yourself the following question honestly, without letting your ego and sense of, “I know better than everyone else” get in the way:
Some dude gets on public transit carrying…
Hey man - I absolutely hear you and get your point. Certainly a topic that’s ripe for debate with good points on both sides. But I’d imagine it’s fairly easy to put an orange cap or something resembling an orange cap onto a real assault rifle if you were planning on carrying out a mass shooting. And I don’t even think…
Well that is always a nice, balanced argument. Glad you could have such insightful input.
Yeah well megamnd has like thirty fingers on each hand, so there you go.
I’m already writing a book! Fortunately it’ll be way more positive. Couple of the games in there are examples of Kickstarter done right.
To clarify, Blizzard simply didn’t want the mod to be named World of Starcraft, given the similarity to WoW. It took less than a week to resolve the issue and the mod got the green light from Blizzard and eventually wound up with the far superior “Starcraft Universe” title.