
Game ships with lots of bugs - “they rushed it to market before it was ready, lololol I guess we players are the beta testers”

They should take the FFXIV route, and add a bunch of content every 3 months.

Speak for yourself. Chrono Trigger is my favorite RPG of all time, I sat through almost the entire five hours of it without ever feeling bored, the runners were great at explaining their strats and being generally entertaining throughout the whole thing.

Go read what it says at the top of this page.

i assum this to be a intentional joke

>internet tough guy

Also note that 3 seconds after that comment he is a vapid mindless observer, engrossed in the movie.

What did you notice that’s different between the two pictures? There’s your context.

You’re a fucking idiot. You do realize without Nintendo, PlayStation wouldn’t exist right?

Please don’t tell others how to feel. It’s something only assholes do. Thanks ;)

My body isn’t ready for this news.

Better than what people will say when you die. What a piece of shit

Sold a quarter billion units of hardware based on the same decision making. It didn’t work out again, but let’s not let recency bias be the watchword here.

He turned Nintendo around from the brink. Twice. You’re just an idiot, really. There’s a difference to making bad decisions and taking risks. He took risks. Most paid off, some didn’t.

Someone died and your response is this? Have you been so inundated with the emotionless Internet culture that you would even type something like this? Shame on you.


Really? That’s what you say when a man of his stature and importance to the gaming community as a whole dies? You should be ashamed and the person who felt like this comment deserved a star should too.
