
As far as I'm concerned this is the only DC Universe that really matters.

This is the only Lex Luthor for me.

Why are half of you calling him Ralph?

Shareholders: "Can you go mobile?"

it's almost as though Nintendo just held a big and very important presentation on the future of the company....

... Why? Why even bother bringing DS games to the Wii U? Nintendo has a perfectly good system that already plays DS games.

I'm a guy. I like women. I also happen to like the Powerpuff Girls show (the original, anyway). I do not EVER want or need to see the "sexy" Powerpuff Girls.

And just to add to what I've said so far, Avegant have targeted the Glyph primarily for mobile applications, e.g iPad, laptop etc. It's no accident that it looks like a pair of headphones; it can be used as such when not in visor mode (the headband flips up and down). Of course there's nothing stopping you from

I just can't stop thinking that its someone's headphones that fell in front of their eyes.

Wouldn't it be cooller if the actual news was a merger between your wii u and 3ds. Maybe you plug your 3ds into the wii u adapter and pick up the game pad and get to play massive versions of the games you love. Or maybe it could be a console that they are working on now, for 5 years time, that is part wii u and part

Believe me, if I didn't have all those real-life responsibilities, I totally would get into an MMO, most likely Eve. Unfortunately, professional and family obligations more or less turned me into a "casual" player. I still play some Quake and Starcraft online, but I mostly turned to single player games now, since they

The Playstation brand is doing well. It's Sony other sectors that aren't performing up to snuff.

10 updates later and its finally exiting beta. Way to go EA....

I don't understand these words.

While i do think Nintendo needs some good network coders and network program designers, I also agree with their approach, nintendo is great because it doesn't have online wrapped up in everything, and is the last true plug and game system, which is often the primary reason most people say they game on consoles: it's

Now playing

Here's 50! (Not all from movies) and they actually say them :D

I much prefer this take:

Blossom should be wearing leggings. Bubbles with her skirt and Buttercup with her short shorts, they both fit in their own way. As for Blossom = Leggings.

The Powerpuffs?