Haha, I hope they all do actually run away and see how life really is.
Haha, I hope they all do actually run away and see how life really is.
My family hates each other and I could care less about Christ. Spend your day doing whatever the hell you want, for most people this is just another day.
What if I want to play video games with my family and christ? WHAT THEN??
Valve has stated they would remove all of their DRM on all games if they were to no longer exist. So, don't worry, you're games are safe.
It's hard for a joke to go over someone's head when it fell flat to begin with.
I think it'd be hilarious if we overtook xtube and used it as the de facto gaming hub.
You're forgetting about Tina. It's on her list too.
I think it's on the list because it's one of Tina's top 10 games of 2013.
It's there because this is Tina's list.
Half Life 3 CONFIRMED!!!
Subtly commenting on your own post to bring it to the top.
Yup I wanted much the same.
That would be much cooler.
I misread the title at first and was expecting to watch a single seventeen minute long Rube Goldberg machine.
You know you were all thinking it.
Sam Raimi didn't want Venom in his movie. He wanted to finish the Goblin storyline while also dealing with Sandman. So, because he was forced to include Venom, he put as little effort as possible into it and purposefully made the scenes with Emo-Peter extra ridiculous. He sabotaged his own movie because it was no…
You are gonna have people waiting around in bushes to snatch and grab those packages when they arrive. I can also see it being open season on these things as people will try to shoot them down over open fields