
Can somebody share what makes Mother series such a sought after game? I just don't understand, what's the big fuss all about?

Yes, but is it 4 players?

Nintendo doesn't need to be in E3. They have Direct. In the future, they may launch their own annual version of "E3" = Nintendo Direct XL.
X = crossing paths with people
L = Lives or Live(in person)

The character doesn't even look like it belongs in it's own game! It's just so odd!

I think I'll just stick to Simcity 4 and wait for "Simcity 5 Offline Edition" or the inevitable "Simcity 6: Never Again Online"

His Idol.

Barney Stinson would like a word with you.

It's Bioman. It's always been Bioman.

It's OFF-TOPIC bro :)

I spend hours trying to make and research the best starter build for games such as those. So yes, 4 hours in character creation seems reasonable haha. Don't get me started with name creating, that takes up my time too. The name has to be perfect! Oh what? Am I going to be evil in this game or good? Oh shit, the name I

Sadly, this is the closest thing that we'll ever get to a new Mega Man game.

Did the Tower get destroyed?! Why are they "outside"? So many questions...

You do know that it's going to be inevitable that it will be overplayed right? May not be the exactly similar as Gangnam but the video does follow the same formula.

You do know that America is not the rest of the world apart from Korea right? There are other countries that exist..

You do know that he's been popular in Korea for years right? Even before Gangnam..

365days x 24hours = 8760hours = 1year

I burst into laughter and my saliva came out! It's unbelievably true, more armor less skin!

Going by what you said: your tax money, the one that will give your sister's rapist a nicer room, COULD help him find the time to properly reflect and be able to truly apologize for the things that he has done. In effect, giving closure to you, your sister and your family.

EMT's = Of course, that is just part of it.

"I would never expect someone to disarm a man with a knife, but I would expect them to assist a dying man if there is no risk of personal injury." —- makes you wonder what made them numb, or if they all have some kind or form of mental issues.

That's also what I thought. Looks like there are thicker underlying issues present that are so thick you could cut 'em with a knife.