
Are you trolling?

She's great! She's got talent in picking up on emotions, sound patterns, facial reactions among other things! I bet she's very intuitive and has a high EQ level :)

Let me guess, you played it in the easiest setting available.

I also don't like the Tabula Rosa idea but it seems it will to do more good than harm in the long run, in my opinion. To simple put, they messed up but they could still reset a part of it if they really wanted to.

"Reality was that they were only green-lighted 12 episodes."

Uhhh... go read some more.

Totally agree with the Season 2 Material; but given that they had restrictions from Nickolodeon, they didn't greenlight the next season until much later, I could see the troubles that the crew had to decide on and overcome.

I know it's kind of out of topic but... Korra and company does NOT know that Amon and his brother "died" right? All they know is that they survived?

That's what Bryan imagined.

They were thinking "We aren't approved a second season so we are forced to wrap it up now." That's what actually happened. The creators were never approved to have 2nd or 3rd seasons until much later on. In other words, they had limited creative freedom.

Sega was doing well... and then they weren't again.

It won't tank. So just deal with it and continue playing.

Yes, you can have an opinion, but the words you used and the way you said it are negatively formulated. You could say it a lot better. Just sayin'.

Agreed! And this is why I worry about next gen that shoot straight for visuals and visuals..

Seeing how you spouted out the words nerd, asshole and idiot; it is apparent that is all you are right now. "You can only give what you have."

Gameplay. It's all about the gameplay.

That's also true; to each their own!

Then you're not really into "things that just sit there" stuff. Totally understandable! For some people they need something visual to get their minds rolling and/or it just soothes them. Think of figures as music that energizes but plays no sound. OMG that's a cool quote!

Those legs are worth the pricetag... well, that's what I think anyway. Maybe that's what the makers thought too :P

It's still cosplay. The cosplayer wasn't the one that made the edits. You could say that the photo is a combination of cosplay and photoshop editing. Regardless, it's still a person that dressed up and posed for a photo. Hence Cosplay Photo.