
[clutches clutch] 

[clutches pearls]

I know some of your argument of Kawhi looking more like Jordan than anyone since Jordan is a style issue, but I think there might also be a recency bias/Lebron hangover effect in play. Please select from the below grab-bag of playoff advanced stats (each player’s five best postseasons) that I whipped up while on this

Every one of his tattoos looks like he got paid on Friday, went out drinking that night, then tossed his last two crumpled twenties on the counter of the dirtiest shop in town and asked “What’ll this get me?”

It’s not being obtuse to recognize that simplifying somebody’s life down to “she left him because he lost his leg,” is childishly lacking in context. A former elite athlete loses his leg which leads his mental state to deteriorate to the point of contemplating suicide. This impacts his relationships including a broken

Right, because we all should stand in judgment of a young woman because of how she dealt with the stress of a traumatic event in her life. Not to mention that the traumatic event seems (based on the article you linked to) to have led to severe mental and emotional trauma beyond the physical already sustained by her

*looking around nervously*

Oh Jesus christ get the fuck over yourself. You’re not being oppressed in any way. I imagine being around your is an exhausting affair as you try your hardest to become a victim whenever possible.

I once saw a guy in a BMW use his turn signal. Hand to god! 

You'll get no argument from me that he was a stilted man child. Lots of comedians are. So plenty of room for growth even at 32.

Alternative theory: he grew the fuck up.

The purity olympics in America need too fucking stop. I am a left leaning, liberal woman of color. This shit needs to stop. This is why people end up becoming the Trump supporters we see in ever-growing millions these days. Nothing is enough. They all apologized. Fred Armisen was playing Barack Obama, not making fun

Yep - I’d put this in HP (Hassle Price) because if they can be hassled down to $6k then we’re good lol - because the trucks rep is solid and it looks solid - but just not at that price.

Because your tailgate handle would than have to be moved off center, which is a no-no from a styling perspective.

Clearly a flop by Wagner. Glad to see the refs didn’t take the bait and give Lance the cheap foul. 

We are being played. Slow down and act like you’ve been here before, folks. 

Can we get Hard Knocks there again for the upcoming year?

Let’s be honest, the NFL excuse makes it easy to say no and not have to play with Maroon 5.

“best looking of the current HD trucks”

What I see every time I see that new RAM grille...