
Yes, Chris. We all know that guy. But looking objectively, the guy is a marginal NFL quarterback under the best circumstances. Yeah, sure, he had some success and even pulled off some heroics in the playoffs, when it counts the most. But he comes with so much baggage - the kneeling, the outsized media attention, the

Sweet a truck with a bed just big enough to hold my protein supplements and gallon jug of water!

Our thoughts and prayers need to go to the victims here. We shouldn’t rush to make laws at this time. We can’t use this crisis to write legislation to single out law-abiding citizens. The guy was just a normal neighbor, no one would have thought he could have done it. It’s just an isolated incident, we can’t use it to

A story is posted about a 15-year-old girl being sexually groomed by her mentor and your response is “But she became a stripper!”

Not to try to compare myself to Mr. Beckham, but I did something similar to the spin dropkick, but mine involved trying to catch a falling cell phone and kicking into a toilet, a good 8 feet away. Which is a much smaller target, but in sure his kick was hard too.

Democrats everywhere need to fucking grow a pair. The shit we’re fighting for benefits EVERYONE. Living wages. Medicare for all. Affordable (or preferably free) Higher Education. Criminal Justice reform. Fuck playing nice, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY let’s get this shit done

What if they’ve been trying to sell it for 25 years?

90k-plus miles, listed on the way bottom of the ad. IMO $20k is a big gamble at that mileage ...

Beside the location and the color, I fail to see how they are identical.

The Raiders are moving to Las Vegas, the league has to comp them a win or two or they won’t stick around to feed the house.

Counterpoint: everything about this video is awesome and you’re extremely salty for unknown reasons.

What a shit show 2018 is, and I know the Browns winning one game isn’t much, but I dig it, and it made me happy, and that’s what we want from sports.

They won! Their 1-1-1 record is just delightful. And the Jets are cemented as the team the Browns finally beat, that feels right

If Baker Mayfield managers to lead the Browns back from two scores down on a Thursday Night Football game, he should automatically win MVP.

To recap: officers not fired for unwarranted use of force. One officer ceremoniously (justifiably) fired for shitty social media.

The good thing about Packers fans is that you only have to listen to their gloating for an average of 45 years before the cheese finally does them in and their hearts explode.  

“Worth it.”

Until you find out the cost of the car ends up being like a Ford GT and they only make a limited amount of them. lol

In all honesty, I hope they do that.  Chevy needs a “Supercar” that not everyone can get their hands on. 

How many JD Powers awards do you think it’s won already?

How many commercials will we have to watch where everyone fawns over the “Ferrari” until some Pat Sajack(*) wannabe rips off the camo?

Do you think they made the chassis out of Grade A or Grade B bear-cage metal?

*Probably not the correct spelling....but be honest

I never realized he was completely and totally innocent and really the victim in all this! It’s nice of him to clarify the real story. He’s such a babe in the woods, it’s infuriating that everyone everywhere in the world is out to get him. Except me.