
Sony and Microsoft are not the issue. They build a console and let developers make games for it. Games that are generally meant to be played, not tinkered with. GTA 5 is not Gary’s Mod. You can choose the play games only on PC but the reason shouldn’t be because you’re butthurt you can’t shoot cars out of Gatling gun

Are the offices still painted that god-awful color of offensive yellow?

Interesting. They're one thing I'm wondering about this story. Are people testing games on their own xbox one consoles or are these consoles provided my VMC or Microsoft? It's a different story if the consoles didn't belong to the testers...

My copy of Flight X came from the back room, they said it was store policy to open them all. I’m in Vancouver, maybe they misunderstand store policies set by corporate?

My copy of Flight X came from the back room, they said it was store policy to open them all. I’m in Vancouver, maybe

Well, unless you get really into “freemium” mobile gaming, you will probably be done with them anyways.

Good thing they’re not really going to be making games anymore!

My worst EB time was buying MS Flight Simulator X new, they sold me an open box & when I asked why they said it was company policy to open all games. It’s illegal to sell opened anything that gets installed on PC here in Canada.

My worst EB time was buying MS Flight Simulator X new, they sold me an open box & when I asked why they said it was

One place I have boycotted permanently or at least until they change their customer punishing ripoff practices is EB Games. They barely give any trade in value to the games customers try to sell back or trade in, they charge so much for used games & it takes them forever to drop prices of aging games. It’s not the

One place I have boycotted permanently or at least until they change their customer punishing ripoff practices is EB

You’re a dick, Jonathan.

Yeah, whatever, grandpa. Go eat your apple sauce and listen to your KiSS and Alice Cooper albums before your sponge bath!

Ive tested two games from Avalanche in the past. This was about a decade ago, but I recall them being very easy to work with, and shipping both titles with a minimum of waived issues.

Ya I dunno man. I’m playing with a 660 TI (it does have 3gb of vram instead of 2) I’m running the game pretty smooth. Almost everything is maxed at 1080p. There is some framerate drop/stuttering here and there but I could turn down some of the settings (the advance graphics specifically) to get rid of those but I

This evidence is corroborated by the two buttons and two holes on his vest, indicating further the date of the 22nd!

Snarky? Definitely! I'm mostly just amused (by what Konami would think) in the "we contacted Konami to ask about Kojima's shirt". Konami Email Support: "Damnit, Hideo! Why didn't you keep the reveal to

oh god. *twitches*

... of the week!

I'm still playing Titanfall at least a couple times a week. I usually get burnt out of FPS games pretty quickly, but I'm encroaching on 100 hours on Titanfall, which is saying a lot for me. The game is just so much fun, and every game is different, especially if you're playing Variety Pack. The lore intrigues me, and

The one thing I hate about the movement of Titanfall?

Looks like collections of some high-tech prisms! Nontheless, they look beautiful, specially the last one.

Yup! Next peripheral that sounds good on paper up for slow death: Occulus Rift!

I have a similar story when my ex was manager of a theater. She accidently put the trailers from a horror movie before a kids movie. Parents were not pleased but I laughed pretty hard.