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My immediate reaction the first time I saw it:

It's a statement about Net Neutrality? Okay, it's not. v.v


Rumor: We will have a functioning moon elevator by 2053.

Hmm. Did anyone else see GTA:V being played on the friends list? Look at Skeezy Peezy at the 13 second mark.

Tried the GMG code for BF4, said the coupon was not valid.

Hey Shane gamersgate.com has a lot of specials on games.

Whenever I see these types of things, I can't help but wonder if they are anything but a placebo. In the winter my humidifier uses an ounce of water every 2 minutes (5 gallons per day). It's hard to imagine something like this really makes any difference.

I think it's pretty hilarious that the game is published by WB, the owners of the DC comic licence.

That's bullshit though. Bethesda isn't some small indie game company, they have no excuse for the PS3 release. At most they could of just delayed the title. Everyone is sipping Bethesda's kool aid to the point where they blame themselves for playing the game on the wrong console. To me Bethesada are a bunch of