
You know how the internet works right? Go read your articles on the literally millions if not billions other sites. Some sites are left leaning, some site are right leaning and some sites are more neutral. Some sites (GASP) will even have both left and right leaning views.

Then why is it mandatory to connect online for rewards even in the single player game?

What a complete failure. The whole point of the switch is the portability. Making the game always online for any rewards is directly related to the microtransactions store. Cant have someone unlock anything with a cheatcode, then all our microtransactions are worthless. Ed Boon loves acting all high and mighty about

Kotaku: Epic is working their staff to death for Fortnite.

Did you see the part where I said I’m calling bullshit on Ed Boons post? Or how even if the game wasn’t designed for people to buy everything the design is still crap for relying heavily on RNG drops? It seems like you didn’t read that part. 

Why even use RNG and have a premium currency then? This is how they

Calling bullshit on Ed Boons post.

i switched the game to french for that reason. what is this, ac syndicate?

Games nowadays have dynamic resolution so they could implement it if the hardware could handle it. It's already used a lot in games like doom but usually it lowers the resolution during intense sequences to keep the framerates smooth. In theory you could have it the other way around where zooming in raises the

To be fair I do that with all my PC games, always wait for AT LEAST 50% off sale, often when it’s the GOTY edition with all DLC. I’m about 6 months to a year behind on releases and gaming has never been cheaper. SOMETIMES I’ll cave and get a game at release (ex: GTA 5, Smash Bros) but those are exceptions.

Not only do

This is what happened to me in the past, from using the same password everywhere, now with a PW manager, every website has a unique PW making it a lot easier to fix.

After Ubi making what I considered a pretty bare bones experience in the first few AC, I am happy they went into action RPG with Origin and Odyssey, it really helped giving a sense of progress other then “complete the story”. Since they are skipping 2019 to give the next one extra polish time, I have high hopes they

Maybe they have a way for making a 30 FPS simulate 60 FPS for the switch? Here is hoping it’s not a complete mess. Maybe it’s meant as an “experience” and not as a way to play the full game with?

While I agree that Gear VR AIMS for 60 FPS as soon as your galaxy starts heating up performance takes a huge hit and it def doesn’t keep up. I had to play with my gear VR in front a fan just to keep it from heating up like a hot plate.

It’s still immersive because all you see in your vision is game, and it’s 3D so you have depth and scale. It depends on how its implemented. Its kinda like a first person camera but you control a person standing a few feet away from you instead of yourself.

I think most motion sickness comes from first person perspective? 3rd person VR camera might be better at lower framerates? I don’t think that most “low end” VR experiences like phone or standalone units run at really high framerates. Hopefully they figured it out cus seeing hyrule in VR sounds doooope.

That was my point. He was complaining that he will always get better fidelity by installing on his high end PC. I was pointing out that not everyone has one of those and a lot of people have old laptops and phones.

Woah Nice surprise from Nintendo. The fact they are keeping the rhythm element is cool. Cant wait.

Cool style, gonna have to give it a whirl.

BUT what if you didn’t have a high end PC and all you had was a 7 yo laptop that barely runs LOL.

Microsoft was just way ahead of its time and also the price point was too high. If they had released a 100$ system with online only streaming it would of gone better but they still needed to wait for internet speeds to get better.