
Ill always enjoy having my own PC but the more community aspects of it is really fun, I like the idea of having a stream where every time the player dies it switches to another watcher. Or being able to view a trailer and play the game within minutes is pretty cool, could be a great way to deliver demos right on

There is a huge difference between a company having to do layoffs due to financial trouble and a company like Activision saying:We made more money then ever, but it wasn’t as much as we wanted so we gonna fire 300 peoples”.

Lol most games are single player or online multiplayer only. Fortnite the world’s biggest game is online only. You are talking out of your ass. VR is going to eventually be cheap, and lots of people will play online together. You think I spend my time gaming at my PC with my friends sitting around my desk? Lol. I have

I feel like a good way to make BR less enraging from losing is having a quick rematch time so the death seems minor. If I die and I can be playing again under a minute, it wouldn’t be so bad but losing in most BR game means going back into a waiting and loading loop.

as a fan of titanfall excited to try this. I always thought that titanfall would be a better battle royal then BF5. Hopefully its fun!

It’s weird how people project their insecurities. I’m a white male, and when I read/hear a black person talk about white privilege I don’t feel insulted. I understand that even tho I’ve been through hardships, none of them were based on the color of my skin. Just that in itself is a privilege.

South Park said it best,

It is very obvious they were getting on a trend of making a online service game because games like GTA online and Fortnite are KILLING it but they have failed horribly and have a hot mess on their hands. Sorry you want to play this broken heap of junk. Even games like GTA with their billions of dollars and way more

There is nothing to be fair about, they have a team of over 100 employees I’m sure someone could of fixed it before it affected players.

I’m sorry your standard is so low you accept this kind of game to use your time. Try a game by devs that care and you might find a even better experience waiting for you.

I’m sorry your standard is so low you accept this kind of game to use your time. Try a game by devs that care and you might find a even better experience waiting for you.

The game is a flaming dumpster.

If Bethesda made a Fallout game with like 6 or maybe 8 player Coop and keep it simple they would be swimming in money but instead they wanted to make a online only game service that will end its life riddled with nickel and dime micro transactions and cheaters. RIP you twats let your greed be a lesson of your

If by hell you mean every other game is trying to copy its battlepass model. At least Fortnite is f2p, other games using the battle pass model have acost to the game, including crapubg 

Bethesda got the Y2K bug in 2019 lol go back to work you incompetent devs.

What kind of accent is that? It’s so weird. Hes in new jersey?

I actually got Fallout 3 on GOG for 10$ and modded it to heck. Looks as good or better then Fallout 76 and it’s scratching my Fallout itch.

Ark is not an acceptable fondation, the game runs like a pile of shit. Why not work on getting Ark more stable and then release the DLC, adding value to their product. Oh that’s right, the season pass. So now it a “new” game. Bad development is bad.

It goes from game to game, a lot of early access game did what they were supposed to, letting players flesh out the game with the devs but in the case of the devs from Ark, they showed the opposite, where they never got the game working well and already had DLC before the game was out of early access. Finding the menu

Why contact Nord VPN, should I contact the corporations putting ads on your website about your operations?

All of TV is Ads, Movies are Ads for car companies.