
As someone who played a million hours of COD 4, I hope it’s true. I’d love to go back to it with an active player base. All they need is tune the killstreak a bit because it was easy to go on a never ending spree.

Double Standards much.

We have people playing Mortal Combat, a game where you can play fiddle with someones spine but a team that might refer to porn, not even directly but through sponsorship no less, that’s a big no.

Its ok Zabant. If you want these modern fedora wearing supremacist to leave you alone just use the word privilege. They’re reeeeeal afraid of it.

Ok then, your lost. I’m sorry to shake your frail bubble of privilege. Go back to your safe space where all Mexicans are rapist and building a wall will keep you safe!

That made zero sense. You really don’t understand the concept behind poverty do you? I love how people who have money just tell poor people to get money. I moved out from my parents at 16, haven’t had shit payed by them since, that was 12 years ago.

In 2012. 14% of the US was under the poverty line. Then if you think

One turn kill is technically accurate, but I was thinking a win on the first turn. They are pretty far in their game if they got 10 mana.

That’s why this game is so fun and sometimes infuriating. I’ve had a guy at 1 hp and still lose because he picked the ONE card he could use to win. When the opposite happens to you

Go for a swing and a miss.

I actually don’t give a rats ass about platforms, I’m all about the games. I was just pointing out how some people will shy away from PC gaming for completely lazy reasons. I see the same “This is why I don’t game on PC.” spiel at every article about shitty PC ports.

“so i can laugh at you

This is why I don’t game on console. (Just repeating what console peasants say when PC gets a bad port)

The art is sooooo nice.

I just got the multiplayer only Black ops 3 on PC but it kept crashing. I played a few matches and had fun but ultimately I had to refund it. I think the game is poorly optimized and so my PC couldn’t even run it on low settings, and my PC ran Witcher 3 just fine on high.

“Any game you play on the HTC Vive will work with the Oculus Rift.”

I usually wait after I saw the movie, but I like the behind the scenes stuff, always enjoy watching how things are made/built/rendered

It looks odd, almost like a bug. Maybe they were using the 2nd controller during development as a “console” command for testers and forgot to remove a few snippets of code throughout the game?

As far as “easter eggs” go this is pretty tame.

Haha same.

Well when developing a game, you want to hopefully have the largest market available. Of all current gen systems, PS Vita is at the total bottom of the list. Some people have Vita’s but not many, I mean even Sony gave up on the Vita, it really shows how much of a flop the system was for them.

Now the devs of course

I get the jab at the Vita, it sold like shit, but Android? I don’t get that one, Android is everywhere.

Oh man, I went and checked and Jesus Christ, I had a whole bunch of potential clients who think I just ignored them and missed out on some good contracts. CURSE YOU FACEBOOK.

Crapcom are king of shitty spin off made by shitty devs (Operation Raccoon City much). So you don’t need a reason to be excited about a very slightly polished turd, especially when we have so many amazing games to play and look forward too.

You could use VR to beat your phobia! This game does look terrifying tho. What about a game about flying? Do you think that would be ok?

Ooooh man. I cant wait to get a VR set. This looks pretty awesome. I always loved Pokemon Snap.