
See, and that is just one idea. How about a wheel chair bound vet who’s suffering PTSD. A little bleak?

“I sit down when I play VR games, so I like it when the character I’m playing is also sitting.”

I guess we can start having wheelchair bound protagonist in VR games. giving a perfect reason for having to be sitting down.

Haha, Im just talking shit.

When you live in a city, 21 GB isn’t too bad. But as a person who now lives in the middle of nowhere, 21 GB is HUGE. I was so pissed when I got a physical copies of Fallout 4 on Amazon to find out I still had to download most of it.

I’m not saying there isn’t problems with diversity in the workplace, but I’m a white male and I got punished all the time for speaking up about poor work conditions, double standards and unfair wages.

So really the article could read, “Study shows people are punished for speaking up”

Sorry, but I already called the TSA, NSA, CIA and any other government agency that ends with A. Just don’t try to leave the country.

Games that would use this tech would have you doing things you can’t do by just looking outside. Cynical much?

No, all you need to consider in term of GPU is the total resolution, they don’t need the game to run in 2 instances. The resolution is 2160 x 1200. It’s true that you need 90fps to sync with the refresh rate of the oculus so I guess it makes sense.

If this game on medium runs at 90 FPS, you’re going to need a PC rig

I understand the specs needed to play VR games that have gorgeous graphics but how could this game not run on my current rig, even in VR? I’m not saying the game is ugly in any means, but the graphics are simple enough in a tech point of view.

So exciting. I can’t wait to see the state of gaming/VR in 10 years. Holy shit is it going to be awesome.

What you are saying makes a lot of sense, and I completely agree that if someone’s business model doesn’t work unless they’re doing something unethical or illegal then it’s shitty.

But doesn’t that describe capitalism at it’s finest? Minimum payed jobs, no benefits and abusive work conditions are the norm, not the

I wonder what those PC spec mean in term of the games graphics/FPS. Is the 970 enough to play a game at it’s highest setting on the Oculus?

I guess the need to have the games running at 90 FPS at 1080x2400 is pretty demanding but I feel like my 660 could pull that off if a games setting were on medium or low (for a

Well, seeing as only higher ups get to make that call, we don’t have much choice other then finding another job.

Also delaying a game is not as simple as you’d think. Dev time cost a lot of money. Big studio’s have hundreds of salaries to pay, so every month extra is a shit load of money for them. This is not

I’ve definitely seen what you are talking about, but I feel like it’s still linked to release dates being announced too early or not accepting to delay a title to give devs more time. It does affect the quality of work and the product for sure. If a publisher waited for release dates to be announced when a game was

Ya that is the one downside of getting a salary VS. an hourly wage. To be fair you (hopefully) make more then me even with my overtime. But it’s definitely super annoying to be expected to stay and do the hours needed without any extra compensation. Do you get a bonus when the title launches?

Working such long hours in an office staring at the same game is certainly mind numbing. On the other side, having crazy overtime pay is nice. It also balances it out a bit when we are in a low period, where we almost have nothing to do waiting for a stable build to start testing. But the system is definitely flawed.

Well typically it does occur at the end of the project. It really is related to launch dates. They see the date coming up (often the holidays) and so “crunch” begins 3-4 months before launch. That’s why I was saying, it’s hard to eliminate without delaying release dates or just giving release dates when the game is

I was coming to say that crunch is fucking brutal but I don’t know how it could be eliminated other then delaying a game. It’s true that release dates can put a lot of pressure, so announcing a release date only after the game feels in a good state could help.

But I think you don’t understand the amount of “crunch”

What a time to be alive. Haha this game look hilarious.

My question is what is the worth of a diamond player? Is there a system of micro transactions in the game, is it at their disadvantage to give everyone a diamond player?