

Always wanted to try Binary Domain, I heard it’s a bit rough but still pretty damn good. And the first condemned was actually pretty scary when I first played it at launch all those years ago on X360.

Ultimately if they wanted they could make a few changes for VR, but you are right that as is, when solving a puzzle, it would cause issues.

Well nevermind, I was misinformed and the PS4 controller doesn’t even have an official driver. So really why would a dev support something the manufacture doesn’t support?

The goal of PC master race has never been about mouse and keyboard unless you played a twitch MP game like quake and counter strike, or for playing RTS.

Hahaha I remember trying to custom map my controller to play crysis 1 and I was swearing because there was just no way for it to have everything mapped out.

What you need to understand is that there is no point for a dev to make an option for a controller that is not officially supported in the off chance some guy hacked his Wii U controller to work on PC. So no Wii U and no PS3 for sure. Also the game doesn’t offer drivers to make the controller work, it simply changes

“I’ve never liked that the Xbox controller is considered the “default” controller for PC gaming” - I’d argue that was Sony’s fault. The last gen PS3 controllers were never supported, so you had to get software or custom drivers to get the thing working. In the meanwhile, the X360 wired controller worked officially

Have you played it?

Do you have a VR headset? The are ways of adapting almost any first person game to work with VR. Though of course it’s not official support so things can get a bit buggy.

Have you played it? I didn’t find that to be a problem at all. The game keeps making you think by adding rules and at a certain point a whole other layer unlocks about the game world based on these line puzzles. I wouldn’t change a single thing about it.

So is that song about how much money he is making and shit? Or an I missing the message? He releases this song and then tells people he is 53 million dollars in debt and ask Mark for a handout? Does he have absolutely no thought process?

Same for me.

What you are saying doesn’t make any sense. Then the game as is on console is not sustainable, yet it exist. You do realize that they can lower the amount of servers based on the number of players right?

Not really. If the game is built around it then its the same as a controller. Are you saying it’s not frustrating to aim at something and miss with a controller? It’s a game mechanic. If I play Fallout and put no stats in guns, then the aiming is shit, and that’s fine. Of course if the aiming is off because of

They could make it cross play with either PS4 or Xbox One. Also getting more server space for a PC port is negligible for a company like Activision. If suddenly a ton of people on consoles got the game, they would also have to get more servers. You don’t think it’s in their best interest to sell as many copies as

The smash Bros one made me laugh pretty hard.

Hey Jason! Using your amazing foreshadowing skillz to pay the billz. Destiny 2 on PC?

I read damned chicken as denim chicken and I thought it was an always sunny reference. Operation Denim Chicken would be the best name for a mission.

You exactly sound like an old man. I want things to stay the same! Where do you draw the line, was going from a SDtv to HDtv too much?

I’m gonna guess that you haven’t tried any form of VR because its *FUCKING AWESOME*. And this is the start, the tech in 5+ years will allow for total immersion.