
Is there a console version of XCOM 2 announced? The last one had a port, I would expect the same for this one.

Anyone here has kept up with Day Z? Is the game getting somewhere? Have they made it more stable and content filled?

I was curious about it but decided to wait for the game to be further along, and now it just seems to have disappeared.

I love Platinum games gameplay, they got their action down. I feel like all they need to do is upgrade their storytelling and they would be in a pretty solid space. Can’t wait for their next IP.

For me it fluctuates with my income. I pirate games when I’m broke (like right now) but when I have a steady income I buy almost everything I play. It’s hard to actually calculate lost due to piracy. I mean I still have over 600 games on steam so I definitely spent a lot of money on there, and the reality is that

Same as any movie really. Don’t we say the new Michael Bay movie or the new Steven Spielberg movie? No one cares that most movies have teams of over 200 people working on them because the final product is mostly influence by the choices made by the director.

I don’t agree with the fact that the tattoo artist should get a cut. Does he get a cut every time the basketball player plays and his tattoo are seen on TV? Or if an actor plays in a movie and has a visible tattoo?

Is it that far off that some of the graffiti would represent the current situation?

Last game I had notes galore was Fez. And it’s a reason I loved the game so much because it had me scrambling for answers.

I’ve made quite some progress and I love it. I’m stuck on a few puzzles and it’s a dozy but I’ll end up beating it. Notepad and pen has been essential.

The console the game is on does not change the fact that Bayo 2 is the true successor to Bayo 1. And it is freaking AMAZING.

I don’t know, you think he was in that much of a deficit? I’m sure he has made at least 500 000$ over the span of the series, I don’t think he is having a hard time overcoming any deficit he had.

The budgets are totally on different scales tho. Cawthon has to pay his rent and his living expenses which is probably covered for a long time with FNAF.

The guy is a one man dev. He is not a corporation. As long as he makes a living wage he could care less, only corporations with their greed and shareholders think about maximizing profits. If he can clear 60 000$ a year and live comfortably then why worry about making more. He made a lot more then that with FNAF. He

That game is fun, I beat it. But its not katamari at all.

I don’t get your point? I didn’t say they wouldn’t sell. I said I find it steep and that Im hoping for an eventual price drop so that I can afford one. So you came here to post “I have money and I take advantage of scarce resources to up sell them to people who actually want it.” A.K.A an asshole.

All tech ends up lowering price. It’s the cost of early adopters. The Ps4, XBONE and Wii U are cheaper then at launch. What you said makes no sense.

Not the same in quality of experience. Gear VR is stuck using android apps. You can’t play games with the fidelity that the occulus has. Not even close. It’s good as a starter or for watching media like VR video but you are never gonna get fallout 4 running on Gear VR.

That’s a little steep. Especially considering the kind of rig you need to use it for gaming.

The thing about trying to downplay their actions as “a meaningless exhibition game that didn’t matter for season rankings or anything else” is that you don’t know how many times they did it before and if they would do it for the finals at Dreamhack or MLG.

“since technically they broke the rule before it was solidly in place.”

Bullshit. You don’t need a rule to know that throwing a match for money is bad. And Valve get to do what the fuck they want, it’s their circuit. Playing dumb is the worst excuse. It’s horrible that we need a rule or a law to make something official