
As my name implies, I’m a game tester, and Battlefront 2 was the first big AAA title I worked on. We had to work 60 to 80 hours for a few months, it was grueling. And for me it was never a good game. The devs were lazy and the game was very buggy. We played tons of multiplayer and ignored us when trying to balance the

The fix also on PS4 and Xbox One? Is the game 60 fps on those?

The devs put a picture of the post on his fridge, it’s not like they wrote him an e-mail telling him to die or something, this is exagerating a situation way out of proportion. Even at first I thought it was part of a series of tweets that escalated but no, it was those 2 tweets. Comon, take a joke for fucks sake.

It’s bad because sucking at the game shouldn’t cost you more. It should be included in the game. If they want to make an easy mode for beginners, it shouldn’t be behind not only a paywall, but a consumable paywall that needs to be bought over and over again.

Having players not being able to experience a big part of

That hardly seems like a good reason. Aaaaand, you can play it at 720 p in any mix of graphical settings and heck lets turn off all the shadows and put the game in 800 x 600.

Aren’t they about to play, how can someone be that quick as to enter it before the person who is actually in the process of doing so?

I hope that with the other Xbone exclusives going to PC (Ryse, Dead Rising 3) it seems Microsoft is cool with some of their exclusives getting to PC, as long it’s not on PS4/Wii U. So hopefully Sunset Overdride gets a ultimate edition on PC. I think Microsoft is aligning themselves with Windows 10 to make PC part of

I would agree that a let’s play video might not be really creative, but a lot of these youtube “shows” have people writing jokes, proper editing and thought put in them. It’s all about taste, but Jon Tron has made me laugh more than most comedy shows on television.

I’m surprised it took this long, I thought the next day after the program was announced, Joe would of said fuck it. I wonder if all the top youtubers stop playing nintendo games, the revenue gained from profit sharing might be lower than the profit lost from good advertisement. Sometimes being greedy gets you less.

No, most of the time we have debug features and cheats, but those tools are often removed in later builds because testing with them can cause additional issues. Testing a game that is almost complete involves people playing the whole game including all achievements without debug. In some cases, certain testers are put

You are stuck on the 12 hours.

The only thing I can think of is that this is a feature meant to keep players from getting stuck. Possibly the boss gets easier over time.

Seems good, hard to impose but its more about covering their ass in case they need to take any sort of legal action, they're covered.

You are overcomplicating the matter. One is input, the controller, on is the actual brain (computer, console, phone) and the third is the display.

How is the playstation move not a specialized controller already, some games use it, some don't. Some of those games were once on Wii, a different motion controller, also

If you look at the last generation, the PS3, Xbox360 and PC architecture were drastically different and devs still managed to port games to all 3 platforms.

You know how we have different smart phones, with different specs and screen resolution?

Good statistic you got there, 90%, what kind of math got you to that conclusion. That's right, it's completely bogus. Most mods are not nudity mods, go look at the tops mods for all the games, they have a nudity mod in there, after hundreds of mods that change all kinds of aspect of games. And completely optional,

You're a fucking twat. If the game is going to be a buggy mess, it will be a buggy mess on all platforms. Ground Zero on PC runs like a dream and it is super well optimised. Great way to generalise, as if consoles don't have bugs, day one patches and piracy.

Fanboys are such tools.

Sucks but it's never as black and white as people think.