
Haha, I'm sure the legal team of microsoft more than covered their asses.

Ah man, fuck that sucks! In a lighter note, those specs aren't bad. I might be able to run the game on the highest setting, and that will be amazing!

The thing with console, is that you don't get max setting ever. So if my aging PC right now can only play games on very high instead of Ultra, I'm still getting better graphics then the console version, and I don't need to upgrade. To have your PC perform at the same level of graphic fidelity as a console, that PC

I got MGS ground zeros for about 10$ using the DECEMB-202014-GREENM voucher off the already on special 13$ price.

But Monkey island let you switch between both styles, how can that be bad?

Living on the edge!

Far Cry 3 was a better Skyrim then Skyrim in my opinion.

Im replaying 3 on PC since I got it for 10$ in the collection, getting ready for the 4th one. Playing it reminded me how much I thought Far Cry 3 was a better Adventure game then Skyrim was. It had exploration that was fun to do, skill progression, wild life, fun combat and tools. I remember saying to my friends, Far

Well Far cry 4 is 12$ off so that's pretty much 20% off. Especially since steam started putting prices in Canadian, they are really screwing me over. It's 69.99 on steam without taxes, so for me I'm saving quite a bit. My total was 55$ with taxes and exchange rate so I save almost 20$. What I find weird is that the

I think the DLC is fine but I feel like they should of made it a lot more Zelda. Tanooki Mario and Cat Peach? Common! Obviously Zelda and Ganondorf would of been WAY better. Same for the tracks, there are so many possible Zelda themed track, they could of made one cup all Zelda themed and the other cup have the

Ma favorite part of working QA was the bug of the week contest where we would find the best bug that was put in that week. Some of them were too funny.

Did you read your comment? Does it still make sense?

I thought it was your commitment to using that character when in the video you clearly wanted to do the dwarf. I was like, do what you want, I'm not invested in any of the characters like you are.

The one with the oCULTist rift and the VR, the girl looks so frighted, I'd lose my shit.

This is a running gag I had with my friend who built the same PC as me at the same time, and every time we would have a problem, even just lag while playing online or not having perfect 60fps, wed say "time to buy a new computer".

Time to buy a new computer.

Well, I guess I need to get those bracelets.

I was gonna say, I wasn't paying attention and then I realized how much of my money I've been giving to nintendo in the last months. I got Mario Kart 8, Smash 3ds, Hyrule Warrior and Bayonetta 2 and now I still plan on getting smash on wii U with the gamecube port, One of the 3ds pokemon, Mario Kart DLC and Captain

I liked Hyrule Warriors, it's pretty fun, but Bayo 2 is so fluid, them controls are so tight. Having a blast playing on the hardest setting, dodging and comboing like it's nobodies business.

Ya my PC is hooked to a TV, not a monitor. Monitors are good when you are playing at closer range from the screen. Monitors also tend to have higher refresh rate, but I use Vsync on my TV and everything smooths out.