
It's sad the state Capcom is in right now. Is there not one creative person left in the halls of Capcom HQ? They are a japanese company run like an american company run by investors. They tried to make RE into gears of war with RE5 and 6 and now they are going to try copying Telltale with the waling dead. Next step is

People also always blame testers for not doing their job properly but I can tell you from experience, 9/10 times the bug was found but was not fixed due to time/money constraints or straight up lack of experience/know-how from the devs. It's frustrating when you find a pretty bad bug and the devs tell you that its not

MOOOOAR, I WANT MOOOOAR. I was hoping this was a trailer for a CGI movie.

Europe has way bigger attending at all their events. I work in the festival circuit in North America and except for Burning Man everything in Europe has way bigger crowds.

Man oh man, my 9 yo self would go crazy over all these quality gaming shirts. The gaming shirts from the 90s were horribly bad.

I like the part that talks about the power of the machine affecting more then just graphic quality. I wonder what that means for the PC port.

I have a similar story when my ex was manager of a theater. She accidently put the trailers from a horror movie before a kids movie. Parents were not pleased but I laughed pretty hard.

I was in Taiwan for 2 months when I was a kid and I remember being baffled by the amount of scooters. Scooters everywhere.

Is a 660 Ti enough to just watch video in 4k? It says that it supports 4 k on the website. I imagine for gaming it would chug along but how demanding is just watching or editing 4k video content?

When I was in Taiwan (I was quite young so bare with me here) I went to a hello kitty store that had everything in hello kitty. From washer and dryer combo, to wall paper for walls, to an actual car (yup a car). That is the day I understood the power of Hello Kitty.

I'm just gonna throw a hug your way. I know them feels. My guess for the crazy delay is that it's gonna be on the PS4.

If the developers can make a VR game for multiple platforms, more games, some built completely around VR, will be made. This just develops the market, all around everyone wins.

binding of isaac is getting a ps4 re-release, maybe not as self published tho. I wonder how thats fits in their guideline.

Sadly Ryse for Xbone is at 900p I believe? But it's a launch title so I'm sure 1080p will be the norm.

They are barely better, but what is greatly improved is the FPS. Game is locked at 60 FPS on PS4, making it smooth as silk.

I think the stretch goal would make it come faster on vita but once the title is out, the revenue from sales that weren't from the kickstarter could let them port it.



There are no PS4 or Xbox One ports of the game.

Ya gamergate.com is dope!