Here’s all anyone needs to know about Kid Rock:
Here’s all anyone needs to know about Kid Rock:
Excellent fodder for a Puig Destroyer song about knocking people’s teeth out.
Data suggests otherwise. Home buying is up for middle and lower income levels. Depending on the area, many mortgages can be lower per month than rent, and that includes PMI (mortgage insurance). People can get loans for less than 5% down. In my area, 200K buys a pretty nice house. That means less than 10K down for a…
Did you crib this headline from a comment left on an article yesterday? Specifically, the top comment from the Woodson article?
Only 1,200 miles?! Who fucking cares what commercial it may or may not have been in. That’s a strong buy at 8,500.
I am pretty sure I recall a time when I was about 13 years old and I was watching a late-night movie on Cinemax or Showtime, starring Pamela Anderson; she got her ass eaten out in it.
I have long struggled with this, and then one day I discovered something entirely by accident: listening to music (on headphones) will trick your body. Even if you intellectually know that no one else can hear anything and you don’t even know if there’s anyone else in the bathroom, the fact that you yourself are…
Of course you’re right that this kind of racism existed in more subtle terms in the Republican party, but I am absolutely okay with this. She’s explicitly calling out Trump as a racist (which is a pretty gutsy thing for a candidate to do to their other candidate), and it absolutely will sway SOME fence-riding moderate…
I have seen some disgusting photos of that dude, but this one takes the cake. That 400-pound slug is wearing the worst human costume I’ve ever seen.
Yes, and this is only exacerbated by the fact she’s a woman. Like, what if she’s reaching for a tampon or some lipstick, but accidentally hits the ATOMIZE ALL CHILDREN OF THE WORLD WITH HYDROGEN BOMBS button? I am not saying she will, but a lot of people are asking questions. A lot of people. Smart people. Big people.…
The worst part was “(clicks tongue).”
A lot of people are saying that maybe he donated a hefty amount of money to NAMBLA. A lot of people are saying that. So people are asking questions. Very smart people. I don’t know if he did! I think it would be good, though, if he answered these questions. If he didn’t, there’s no reason why he shouldn’t be answering…
What tipped it off was when a police report was made when she was late to lunch. People knew she was in a dangerous situation.
Hey, CC Black, you’ll probably read this. It made me think of you. -Mons
So stupid. +1
This reminded me of Catherine Keener in Living In Oblivion:
Repeat after me: “I will have the imperial stout.”
Dude, no. Cave of Time. Cave of Time is the best one.
I really appreciated how, in UP, they got the part that made my wife and I sob in front of the kids over with with nice and early in the film.
I am going to bid on and win the auction for Deadspin just so I can fucking fire you, Drew. BAGUETTE IS THE BEST BREAD. FOR SANDWICHES. FOR ANYTHING.