Now if they really want to piss him off, they should say he's a secret republican.
I played two rounds in between paragraphs.
A hell full of gays and drunks sounds way better than a heaven full of reality stars. (Thieves won't be good company but at least they won't have much to steal.)
The son is trolling now to juice up "Duck Dynasty" ratings, which have been in the toilet: he's hoping that folks will start to rally around the family again, thus he's bringing up the gay thing again.…
Oh. I get it now. You're psychotic.
Don't play dumb, we ALL know what you were doing. Pretending to be obtuse and innocent doesn't make it true. Own your shit. You were accusing Angelina of doing this for ATTENTION, because you're an asshole.
1. People responded to your statement.
I got my BRCA test a few weeks ago and am waiting on results. Even though I still don't know if I will test positive, my MD recommended increased screening due to family history. So I got my first mammogram found this month (I am 33), followed quickly by my first biopsy for a calcification they found. I am supposed…
Her mother died of cancer and as the article states, she has a much-higher-than-normal chance of also developing cancer. Call her paranoid, but she made a conscious informed decision to minimize her risk as much as possible.
Wha? She saw her mother die of ovarian cancer. She has a comparatively high risk of having the cancer herself and she has kids she doesn't want to leave motherless. I think she has a greater awareness of cancer than most. And I think your anger is misplaced.
This isn't just random. She had an 87% chance of developing breast cancer and a 50% chance of developing ovarian cancer. After a discussion with her doctor and presumably her family, she decided that the risks of surgery were more acceptable than the risks of cancer.
As someone with a mental disability I've been a victim of people who expect me to just know how they want me to behave. Someone kept saying something was wrong with me, I shouldn't behave a certain way, but never told me how I was behaving wrong. I was just supposed to know. Many people with mental disabilities don't…
This is how she promoted the AMA. Under those circumstances, I don't think it was inappropriate of me to ask questions of her that have been asked of me, though generally I'm not in the habit of asking women I don't know about dildos. (You all should absolutely keep asking me about your dildos though! I do not at all…
I am missing the injustice here; she wants city services but not to pay city taxes. She admits to using the sewer lines but not paying the bills. They capped her sewer because she wouldn't pay to use it like all of her neighbors were. She's not in trouble for using solar power. She's in trouble for using an…
Oh wow, I seriously thought this was going to be about her Claire Underwood interview.
Are you guys serious? You posted this exact same video a month ago.…
A&E hired a family of rednecks, then react with shock when one of them actually says something that a redneck would say. This is why reality television sucks.