
Ah, Chivers's Law: if you can go on the internet and call your government a fascist regime, you are most definitely not living in a fascist regime.

Given the large number of Jews that manage not to act like this, I suggest the better term would be "Utter Asshats." The proud traditions of Asshattery extend back centuries!

You people will find ANYTHING to fault Obama for, it's just crazy really.

...and Barack Obama is the Commander-in-Chief of all U.S. military forces, meaning he outranks the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Sure. Just like the last two presidents (Clinton, who "dodged" the draft by receiving a student deferment, and Bush, who "evaded" the draft by using connections to secure non combat duty during Vietnam in the Texas reserve). Just like a full quarter of our past presidents, including such luminaries as John Adams;

He cares about only one things!!!