
What's even better is that he KNEW that Steam was still going to label it "early access" until 3pm Eastern time, according to a tweet from last night about 1am Eastern:

Right there with ya. I remember there being word that they were working on the Mac client, in the early days I used boot camp to use Windows to play, which worked well (tired Parallels but it's always choked hard on gaming for me). But it was just such a hassle to play, I eventually just stopped rebooting into Windows

Brilliant! Bonus points if he rolled up after people yelling, "Have at you!!" :)

Ghostcrawler's influence since joining Riot?

That explains why I got the "all tables are full" message when I tried to get into Hearthstone last night, said it would be 25 minutes before I could log in.

This is what I love about the new cinematic and how they pay homage to existing lore - when Grom kills Mannoroth in the WC3 cinematic above, you get the scene of Grom standing in silhouette in front of the explosion that killed him. In the new cinematic, you get that same scene, but Garrosh jumps in and knocks him out

Best part is the horse taking a timely dump at about 3:29, hilarious they kept that in the video edit :)

Doom was the first game that truly freaked me out. I can remember being home from college over the summer and downloading it (off AOL, no less...) on our old 486/66 PC and it honestly scaring the crap out of me.

Man, I'd love to play this again with the video in better definition than the 320x240 pixilation we dealt with way back then. Great cast, a lot of character actors you recognize from other things. I remember the story being pretty compelling too.

In normal situations I'd agree - I wouldn't want my kids finding sex toys, although it wouldn't be the be-all-end-all event in their lives in the same way that finding a gun would be. But the key thing is that this is a commercial, these kids are actors with parental approval/observation, and it's a set up scenario to

Because it's a commercial, a humorous PSA for gun safety that you're getting hung up on the exact thing they are using to prove their point. Of course you don't want kids finding and playing with your sex toys, just like you don't want kids finding and playing with your guns. These kids are actors, they're on a set

Why is the clock moving backwards?!?!

70-character limit?!?! CENSORSHIP!!!! THEY'RE TAKING AWAY YOUR 1ST AMENDMENT 'MURICAN RIGHTS!! I bet Obama and his Muslim Illuminati friends are behind the Kinja distro you're on and stomping you down! Thanks, Obama!

As a father of a 14-year old boy with special needs...I can say there is a special place in hell for people like this. And if it happened to my son, I'd send them there to see for themselves.

Keyser Soże thanks you :)

You know what, I have no problem with her and her relationship with Jesus, and good on her for sticking up for what she believes in. MY problem would be what people would say if a Muslim woman was on the show, and said something to the like about how her life revolves around her relationship with Mohammed or the like.

Read up on the BRCA1 & 2 gene mutations before you call someone presumptuous for taking action prior to having cancer.

I tell you, we breed a special kind of crazy out here in least I know who not to vote for in the next elections.

And that's how "Idiocracy" comes about. The upstanding intelligent couple puts off or decides not to have kids, and Jim-Bob has 20 kids with various women in the trailer park.