
Clay worked with autistic kids, and was a camp counselor at a program that my son went to.

The only thing I didn't like about Bruno Mars' show (and I know I'll get flamed for this) was the James Brown rip-off. He's very talented, multi-instrumentalist, singer, got the moves, but something just felt off with him doing James Brown moves and the act. I was half expecting someone to come out with a cape and

"And the cat wore a jerkin of boiled leather as it ate its afternoon meal of spiced hamsters in a raspberry cream sauce, followed by a desert of warm Pentoshi goats milk. The last thing the cat heard before the darkness closed in was the thrum of a crossbow."

Been a long time since a "fan film" kept me through to the end, that was very well done. Fight scenes were well choreographed, nice stunt work.

Now playing

FOR MEN When you are listening Don't think about what you are going to say next while the other person is talking. Ask follow-up questions. This demonstrates that you care. Consider how the other person wants you to respond.When you are speaking Don't give advice until asked. Try to identify some of your emotions and

So we had two gifts delayed, one by UPS and one by FedEx. The 2nd day package with UPS was ordered on 12/20, and has still not made it out of NV, being scanned at 3 locations in two days (Sparks NV, some other place I can't recall at the moment, and Las Vegas, where it stills sits). The reason it was ordered on 12/20

I think the best cause I've read for Paul Walker's death so far was the one stating it was a drone strike ordered by President Obama. Because of the movie...the name of the movie he was in, "Fast and the Furious" was causing the weapons scandal (same operational code name) to stay in the headlines. So Walker had to

I played Wing Commander 3 so much, I think I went through the campaign 4 or 5 times to branch out the different story options and see the different cut scenes. Mark Hamill, John Rhys-Davies, Malcom Mc-freaking-Dowell, Tom "Biff" Wilson, and Ginger Lynn (trying valiantly to jumpstart a non-porn career). Great cast,

Hawaii is already a big marriage destination, both marriages and honeymoons, but this is going to be huge. My wife and I married on Kauai in 97 (anniversary next week, actually...damn, need to go shopping today) and it was wonderful, we've been back there 2 more times since. Beautiful state, and this news just makes

This is the type of thing that I want to share when friends start ranting about how President Obama is a tyrant/dictator/fascist. They complain their right to free speech is infringed on when we call them idiots for their rants. No, THIS is what happens when you have no rights to free speech.

You know, the more I see it, the more I don't really like Kim as a blonde.

At the exotic animal hospital I take our bearded dragon to, they have a white cockatiel in the waiting room that says a few things. Her name is Leeloo, she's white with a bright orange under the feathers, and yes, I've heard her say "moolti-pass" once :)

[Insert obligatory popcorn eating .gif]

Whoa, didn't recognize her with styled hair :)

She went to our gym, a Lifetime Fitness in Gilbert AZ. Hadn't seen here there in maybe 2 years, but I remember when she started doing this, working with a trainer on poses and things. Pretty amazing stuff.

Sorry to hear about the complications, my LASIK went well until we moved about 2 months after from NC to AZ. About a month after moving (maybe 3 months post-op) I developed some kind of infection that the ophthalmologist here had never seen. I still don't quite remember what they finally figured out that it was, but

Fun fact, that drummer who freaked out and ran off stage was Jason Finn from the Presidents of the United States of America :)

That is Oondasta, a world raid-boss on the Isle of Giants. When it first came out (patch 5.2 I think?) you needed roughly 120 toons to bring him down, 3 raid groups working together. And still, the amount of bones from players dying littering the ground after an attempt was astounding. He's since been nerfed