
Don't have a screenshot, but I would have to add the World's End Tavern in WoW (I think that's what it's called), the bar that's in the Lower City in Shattrath. Mainly because you can catch a corny stand-up comedy act and watch L90 ETC play. Not to mention socialites like Haris Pilton hanging out, it's the place to be!

Looks like a submission for the "What I'd do with Google Glass" contest. Pretty impressive work overall, though.

I had this game as well - we actually used to play this in computer class (hiding the screen with a custom screengrab of our code whenever the instructor came around). the husband of a wonderful, brave woman who has gone through breast cancer to have to come back as stage 4 bone mets, this was really difficult to watch...but incredibly rewarding. Our stage 4 is in remission now, but you always have that nagging feeling of looking over your shoulder afraid it's going to come

I had a guitar rig back in the day where the effects rack was all tied together through MIDI, not sound files but just used the signaling to switch many effects at once so I wasn't doing a pedal dance all the time. It was around the difficulty I had initially setting that up where we started saying that MIDI actually

Call bullshit on it being one of their kids...any kid playing Fruit Ninja would be embarrassed to score only 38 in Classic mode...


Funny timing, I had a friend just get back from Central America last week, visiting Mayan villages and ruins, treking through the jungle and all. She visited with modern day Mayans (even they think we're all crazy for thinking the world is going to and they talked about the head binding that was done,

Personally, I would have thought "Has a 3-4 year old child who runs and attempts to hug" would have ranked up there higher...perfect ramming height for attempting to give hugs to Daddy when he comes home from work.

So, Voyager is on the on-ramp to the magnetic highway now . . . just 3 weeks before the Mayan prophecy . . . well played, Mayans, well played

Vice City at the top, for sure, if for no other reason than that voice cast they put together. I mean, seriously...Ray Liotta, William Fitchner, Dennis Freakin Hopper, Gary Busey, Phillip Michael Thomas (Miami Vice himself), Burt Reynolds, Luis Guzman, Danny Trejo. Add to that the story, the music, the AWESOME radio

I especially like how the lower-third graphics are still crystal clear as well...

Funny, because I dropped my SII Skyrocket maybe two weeks after I got it, before I had picked out a case. I almost caught it with my shoe, breaking it's fall before it hit the pavement, and with that little bit left that it fell I've got a nice ugly dent/chip in the lower bezel near the charging port. Plastic sure

I have to throw out "Invasion" as well, that season cliffhanger that turned out to be the end of the series. Part of me wanted to know how it all turned out, but another part of me would rather imagine what could have happened.

The first time I noticed this effect was playing Guitar Hero with the kids. You're focused on the screen, the "notes" steadily moving down the screen at a constant pace. When the song is done and you look away, the TV appears to be melting off the wall.

I like the dynamic between Eisenberg and Harrelson, this looks like a guilty-pleasure movie.

Highly recommend the audiobook. This one is read by a cast, rather than just one person, really comes off as interviews. Alan Alda, Rob Reiner, I swear one was Kevin Spacey but I don't think it was him, it was very well done.

Reminds me a little of our old phrase in designing networks in IT . . . Fast, Cheap, Reliable . . . you get to pick two . . .

To be fair, the initial "research" that stated the link between vaccines and autism hadn't been outed as complete fraud by that time, it wasn't until just a year or two ago that the study was proven to be completely manufactured and fraudulent. I've never bought into the vaccine argument (and have children with

I was thinking that same thing...the first time someone walked past the window far back in the frame I was thinking, "Oh my God, it's starting already...". When I rewound it and saw it was just a normal, not panicked walk and not a Walker or someone running from one, I breathed a little easier.