
Will we find out who turned Steve? I don't recall seeing that after his reveal to be a vamp.

I had always wondered what it was that made that Kentucky Jelly taste so different than my usual Welch's Jelly. Never liked it on my PB&J anyway, made the pieces of bread slide off each other.

Wow, I had no idea you could turn that crap off. Thanks!

Bloody Gibs is going to be the name of my next band...

See, this is what really pissed me off about the music business as a whole. I was in a pretty decent band back in the 90's, did pretty well in the local scene before we split up, made a few demos, got some radio-play, but couldn't get a record company to look twice at us. Then, someone with zero talent like this gets

That cinematic is what got me to start playing, to be honest. I was interested in the game prior to that and almost started playing in Burning Crusade, but that Lich King cinematic was awesome.

I'd heard Garrosh would ultimately be a final patch raid boss (kind of like finally getting to fight Deathwing in the last Cataclysm patch), but I hadn't heard it would be a cross-faction raid . . . that would be . . . amazing!

The Cataclysm cinematic reveal was epic, seeing the world get torn apart, the zones you'd known and loved (and hated) over many years of play getting destroyed, that really hit you on a personal level. "Hey, I know those buildings!", the dam in Loch Modan breaking, huts and towers in the Badlands sinking into the

And nothing keeping them from bringing back badies either, I mean we had Ragnaros again in the Firelands after all. I would LOVE to start exploring the Emerald Dream, that's been a rumored expansion since before I started playing in WotLK.

I'll never forget seeing Qui-Gon's Jedi Communicator in "The Phantom Menace" and instantly recognizing it as the same razor my wife used every day. I don't think that was Lucas saving money or trying for a B-movie feel, I still think he was just fucking with us at that point.

Well, we do have excellent tequila here at least....

I grew up in NC, and honestly thought that it didn't get any more crazy or bigoted than Jesse Helms, but AZ has certainly proven me wrong.

Agreed...I'm in AZ, and we currently have the monopoly on crazy. Sheriff Joe for Prez! /sarcasm

This is what "Archos" will use to monitor our movements and habits so it can better plan the eventual zero-hour attack...

Really a slippery slope...4th Amendment is about search and seizure without warrant, right?

This guy would certainly be a deterrent to anyone attempting to cheat at poker in Vegas..."Deal me in!" *THOKK*

Well, Jeffrey Dean Morgan in the Powers Boothe role, probably not to far in age difference from the original movie I'm thinking. Would be nice if they had a cameo from him in this one, though, maybe as an aging General now :)

Reminds me of a Tool video, I wonder if they collaborated with this artist for their videos?

Totally should have been NASA's homepage today.

I was just watching the feed and saw him, thought that was an awesome haircut for the evening's events :)