You left out one thing . . . how was the triple-breasted hooker? Honestly, that's my only real reason for wanting to go see this . . .
You left out one thing . . . how was the triple-breasted hooker? Honestly, that's my only real reason for wanting to go see this . . .
Damn dust filters at work aren't working right today...damn, that was an awesome video, thanks for sharing and restoring my faith in humanity today :)
Yep, sure did - it was on the last demo that my band did back in '93 (damn, I feel old now). Here's a link to the song, like I said, it's rather sprawling at times, but it's definitely got some good hooks in it. I wasn't satisfied with the mix, but hey, it was cheap and we were broke :)
In college philosophy class, I fell in love with Plato's "Allegory of The Cave" . . . so much I wrote a sprawlingly epic 9-minute metal song based on the story and the purposefully ambiguous ending. That story is essentially what "The Matrix" used as it's central plot point, and one of the reasons I love the first…
Personally, I'd think they fight better because they have nothing left to lose...
Holy crap, I got chills how they did the car crash with Halle Berry . . . that looked amazing
Even "Stand By Me"'s Jerry O'Connell if nothing else, but yeah, he'll always be Quinn to me as well.
When the zombies come, I want this guy on my team...this one might not be the best weapon for that, since it would take so long to reload, but he's got a ton of other devastating things he's cooked up over the years, there's plenty of carnage to go around.
I was listening to the Nerdist podcast this week, they had Levar Burton on there was well and he had the same thing to say about Geordie's sexuality never being explored. "Tasha Yarrrrrrrrrrr...mmmmmmmm"
Seriosuly, it's got Provon® A-190 . . . everyone knows that causes zombification in lab rats. Wasn't something like this actually the plot of "Halloween III", the one without Michael Myers? I think the nefarious company sold masks that wound up killing kids or turning them homicidal or something?
Brought to you in "Feel-Around"!
So, I haven't played D3 much yet to be honest, but would this be analogous to going and killing Ragnaros in the original Molten Core raid as a solo level 85 toon? Just getting way overpowered and beating the crap out of them?
Yeah, I think I'll take a look through it and see if it reinforces the social-training we work on with him. Could be a fun thing, who knows.
He has his own iPod touch (freebie I got with a Macbook purchase) and loves it, actually getting an iPad through disability department with communication apps setup on it (much more effective than the old comm device he had and never used at a fraction of the cost). Social queues are a big goal we work on through many…
"But The Act is a test of your ability to read social cues, and to respond to them appropriately."
+1 to this many times over . . . while I'm excited for the Surface bringing some innovation to the design arena, the things they left out have this smelling suspiciously like vapor-ware to me. No specs . . . no price . . . no release date . . . by the time it hits, IF it hits, it will be upstaged by whatever else it…