
Sounds like a good idea, but I always chuckle a little at the inherent irony of calling it a quiet section. My son with autism is anything but quiet :)

As the father of a child with autism, I salute you - politically incorrect, but funny as hell :)

There are a couple of things stated here that are kind of a stretch . . . I agree with some of the points shown, but some of the conclusions hurt the overall argument:

I love the subliminal warning message from Mario at the 0:08 mark, gotta pause fast to get it:

*spoilers/speculation in reply*

On a completely unrelated note, your avatar had me convinced there was a bug on my screen for easily a good minute... :)

And then, this happens on live TV . . .

Well, to answer your question on #10 "why don't you just get your ass into the sea" . . . that's why


Unfortunately, there are some costs of being an evil overlord that can't be quantified with money...

This actually sounds like the plot of "Castle" a few weeks back. Someone was basically bitten to death, a survivor said it was a zombie, and there was a zombie caught on security camera. Turned out someone was part of a "Zombie Chase" game where people dress up like zombies and chase other people playing the game

Actually my experience with the LFG tool was exactly the opposite. Prior to LFG, you pretty much sat in the major city and spammed the trade channel for dungeons. If you left the city, no one ever talked in the local channels. Now, with the LFG tool, I get in queue and then go off and do my questing and such that I

The image with the article reminds me way too much of the "Heroes" logo . . . and now I'm sad

I'm waiting for the day when I can order my EXTRA-BIG-ASS-FRIES!!!!!!

Is that Ryan Kwanten/Jason Stackhouse in the car at the end of the trailer?

I'm a sucker for alt-history/dimension stuff, how things might have played out in other versions. Have to check that one out.

Overall it's a pretty good read. I was faciniated by the assassination when I was younger, reading the story set in that time along with all the research King did is pretty cool. Not a typical King story, for sure.

On a related note, I'm just about finished reading "11/22/63" by Stephen King, about a guy who takes a wormhole back in time to try to prevent the Kennedy assassination.

Sandy as Black Widow is perfect . . . she already knows Kar-a-TAY!

To sweet to be sour, to nice to be mean...