
I like it, but not enough to make me give up my Macbook decal :)

Yeah, it was actually Jojen who had the green dream of Winterfell . . . looks like they are simply taking the plot devices that the two of them introduced and giving Osha more significance. I'm curious to see how they keep it going through the events that are coming up though.

This video is absolutely ribbiting!

Yeah, I had originally turned the "realism" up to experience the game . . . and then I got a phone call on my cell at 3am with someone saying they were being followed and didn't know how much time they had, gave me a clue, heard a scuffle and the line went dead. Kind of a creepy thing to wake up to, I ratched down the

I remember that game, I got through the first few missions on it before I bailed out. Was really interesting getting a phone call out of nowhere with someone with a paniced clue that I'd have to go online to track down, of course everything was a recording and not really interactive.. But, yeah, was a bit ahead of its

Ha! That's awesome! I want to hear what kind of mixtape Khem Vhal makes for me.

You really summed that up well, first and foremost the lack of an LFG tool of any kind is what killed the game for me. I wanted to see the awesome flashpoints, but I couldn't just sit in the Imperial Fleet for an hour to get a group together. Then, when you get a group, someone ditches halfway through and you're done,

Yep, since we had already had a child diagnosed with autism, we should have known better than to have our other two kids was everything I could do not to slap her when she said that to me. And these were people that we thought of as friends until that.

Another parent of a child with autism here (and two others on the spectrum, but much higher functioning than my oldest), and I agree 100% with your statement above. I'd rather have my kid how he is than run that risk that he contracted an easily preventable, and possibly deadly disease. Needless to say it's not the

There are so many things in Idiocracy that make me really look at the way society is headed . . . I've had that same "oooooooh shit" thought for the last few years at least. I'm just waiting for my extra-big-ass-fries from Carl's Jr.

Update, Phil Plait (Bad Astronomy) just linked an article where American announced they decided against airing the interview. Enough outcry so fast changed their minds.

They were at Storm's End, I believe . . but, yeah, does seem like they are combining that one with the other. I think they are doing a decent job with combining certain events like that, they cut down all that time between the attack on Yoren and the people destined to the wall and the capture of Arya, Hotpie, and

I'll have to watch that scene again (though I'd really rather not, as it was pretty disturbing) but I also thought Ros was beating the other woman, not violating her, sounded like a blunt impact rather than . . . well, hmmm . . . what would THAT sound like?

My prediction, Dinklage repeats his Emmy win next year, his scenes were amazing. I loved the "threat" line, but his intensity is great - you really get the sense that he's the only one who gets it, who really knows how to play the game.

"Oh, and Lexington Steele as Nick Fury is way more badass than Samuel L. Jackson."

Brilliant! Are you my mummy?

"or publish her collection of photos from their taudry night."

I agree with the more frequest restest. I moved to AZ from NC about 6 years ago. In NC, my license had to be renewed, once in the 14 or so years that I drove there, but I don't recall having to take a retest. When we moved, I had to take a cursory vision test and the "what does that sign mean?" basics to get my

From the look of it, looks like he's got at least two, maybe three :)

I think I just read more into "Use futuristic implants that allow commanders to "see through their eyes" — plus lots and lots of training" than I should have, kind of made it sound like they went together, the implants and the training. I'm very protective of this book, and am cautiously optimistic about seeing it