
Wow, didn't know that last bit . . . I'd love to see THAT crossover :)

And with that, this series is next in my queue to read. Author deserves serious props for this, might as well support his actions with my wallet :)

Guess it doesn't matter that "The Lorax" came out 40 years ago, and every kid in this country has had access to it in the library? It's in our Dr. Suess collection of books that we read the kids many moons ago, right next to the Grinch and Cat in the Hat.

You have a point, they are honestly both sides of the same coin. Always depends on your point of view to try and call out what's bullshit and what's not.

True, speculation on my part - he could be signed up and have some role in it. How could I forget the golden rule in movies, death is never forever :)

*spoiler* (though maybe not needed to announce that in a Morning Spoiler thread? *

Yeah, I was going to say Bernie Hanson was my favorite Ghostbuster...

"I challenge you to a beat-off" . . . wow, just, wow . . .

Ok, now Lucas is just trolling us, I'm certain of it . . . don't feed the trolls!

So, wait . . . first, Apple isn't open enough, too closed of a system, hence the popularity of the "open" Android OS . . . now, Apple is too open? Make up your mind, my head's spinning :)

Personally, I can't wait for this show. I fear that it will go the way of "Journeyman" though . . . NBC doesn't have a great track record with these kinds of shows.

Can't believe I'd forgotten about them . . . you win, sir.

I'll see your "Surface" and raise you "Invasion" . . . the always awesome William Fitchner as the creepy sheriff, James Frain late in the season as the mysterious alien big-bad, Tyler Labine as the conspiracy-theorist comic relief, was a great show while it lasted. It was a crime to end the show the way they did on

You've, uhm, got some red on you...

*on reading any news on Season 2 Game of Thrones*

I recommend the movie "The Squid and The Whale", kind of a similar theme. Josh Hartnett plays a young man with autism/aspergers, and it's about his relationship with another girl he meets also with Aspergers. Having children with moderate autism (oldest) and aspergers (youngest), they did a good job portraying the

Last numbers I saw for WoW subscribers was 10.3 million in November . . . noted []

I prefer the Restaurant at the End of the Universe, actually...

Agreed, you do need to purchase the game, never said you didn't. When you purchase it online as a digital download, you still get the registration key. Of course, WoW's a little different now that you can download the whole game free and play to level 20 without purchasing a thing - you only purchase the key once you

Good point, easy proof as to registration. Copies of email sales receipts or original registration codes could be spoofed too easily. My registration came in an email from Amazon after getting the pre-order, but to Bioware's defense that could easily be changed on a forward (you can change the text, name all that