
My pre-order with Amazon was full price, not just $5. If I paid full-price for the game already, then why would I need a separate registration code? What you've said certainly makes sense, just seems there should have been a better way to go about things . . . and I think Bioware has already come out saying as much

I certainly understand from a collector's edition, getting all the extra swag.

One question . . . why, if you did a pre-order, do you need a physical disc at all? Most things are moving to digital delivery anyway, and if you pre-ordered (like myself) you're already in the game . . . why do I even need another registration code that I have to enter within 2 days of the launch to run it when I'm

OMG, that Robot Chicken Dora the Explorer clip was incredible . . . the only thing I would have added was them eating Boots or Swiper while trapped on the mountain. We watched WAY too much Dora when my kids were little, so seeing her get what's coming to her is warming to my heart :)

I was SO looking forward to having that "turrible" swing in the game. Had the honor of seeing that in person about 10 years ago at a Jimmy V Classic, I swear it's even worse in person.

Memorable, most certainly . . . "very spectacular"? that's stretching it :) It sounded as if he hadn't read the books and seen exactly how he buys the farm.

You . . . you LIKE raisins . . .

So, basically, get your "Stood in the Fire" achievement while you still can . . . once a raid takes down Deathwing on a realm first he'll stop spawning and roasting random zones.

Is the NDA lifted? I thought it was still in place until the game released, or at least got closer?

Guess that's how you wipe a raid in SW:TOR . . .

Sorry, but I have to call bullshit on that . . . there was a big difference between the display of the 3G and the 4 with the retina display. Apps had to be retooled to take advantage of the higher resolution, although Apple did build some upscaling into the OS to help those apps look better until they took advantage

I wonder how the downloadable AVS 709 file would work, download as a high-def blu-ray movie, transcode with Handbrake as a high-def file to play back on my Apple TV connected to my main TV . . . have to play around with that :)

That was the first thing that came to my mind as well, that was really an amazing effect in that Buzz Lightyear ride.

Wait, wait, wait . . .

When I'm in a battleground, I don't even look at the races out there . . . if it's red, it's dead. I don't think this will be an issue, to be honest.

Dear American Horror Story family: just move out of the f-ing house — you'll thank us later.

Hmmm . . . that demon looks a little familiar . . .

Lucas has always had a sense of humor about fan reaction to his changes . . . and I'm not really ok with it either. I remember the picture that came out from the Indy 4 movie set with him, Harrison Ford in costume, and Speilberg . . . and Lucas was wearing a "Han Shot First" t-shirt. That pissed me off, as he KNOWS

"You also can't bring a car back the next day and say 'I'd like to exchange this for a different one'"