
Add my family to that 150k figure, in April my wife was diagnosed with a recurrence of the breast cancer we fought all through 2009. It was Stage 2 back then, rediagnosed this year with Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. Good news is after some additional hormone therapy, a little radiation on one particularly large

Science for the win! My oldest son has a severe tree nut allergy, and we've taken two trips to the ER with him over the years - first time was when we found out he was allergic (3 years old, a had an oatmeal-walnut-raisin cookie at Sam's Club) and the second time was a teacher aide not realizing the carrot cake

You're not the only one. I was at our kids' karate tournament last week, and while I had my SSD video camera taping some of the action, one of the other parents was walking around holding up his iPad taking video . . . really wanted him to take a stray nunchuck shot to the nuts.

" at worst, a game in which N.C. State is a preseason No.1."

Word, I think you're right on target there, Fahey...

We'll just tell your Mom we ate it . . .

I got to see Sir Charles first hand at the Jimmy V Classic in NC, maybe about 10 years ago. That swing is really something to behold, and he had the most vocal potty mouth of the field, for sure. Wonder if they'l add that into the game as well?

All I walked away from this with was that one of the filmmakers was actually wearing a monocle. Monocle wearing beats fake electric shock any time, in my book. has some nice tracking options, and one of the better diet-tracking databases I've used. To me, I look for one site that I can do both (I know, the diet-tracking was covered in a different Hive Five) but in a true fitness plan, diet and exercise tracking really go hand in hand. I've had the most

Not yet, I know they showed a rough cut at Celebration one year but kind of hit radio silence after that.

"Han Shot First

Now playing

"We'd love to see a few more female fighter pilots. Can we add a lady to the Red Squadron?"


"Sean Connery plays an Egyptian pretending to be a Spaniard, and still just talks with his normal Scottish accent"

Galaxy Quest is honestly one of my favorite movies, Alan Rickman and Sigorney Weaver were great. Tony Shaloub was also mentioned below as a possible add, and he was funny in it as well, but then you had the always-great Sam Rockwell, who could have made this list as well with great turns in Hitchhiker's Guide, Moon,


Good point :)

I'll have to look at that, but how many years were they counting before 9/11? 31 times before 9/11 and 24 times after sounds like the first arguement would be invalid, but if those 31 times were in a span of 30 years of film that would mean that filmmakers are targeting New York at a much more rapid pace than by

That's actually a well-used test from the past for a lot of electronics gear, to be honest. Back in the 80's we called that the "loading-dock" test. Dealing with AT&T business phone systems (old PBX's that were honestly warhorses in the day), that was seriously one of the tests manufacturing would go through on

"We're trying to attract girls, but it's like turning around a supertanker in (New York's) East River," [Sega of America vice president David] Rhoads says. "It happens slowly."