
I have to posit that Google doesn't necessarily care about the consumer, except for how it can continue to data-mine for advertising revenues. It's easy to forget that this is the core of Google's revenue, selling your data for better search and advertising results. Now, the meat of that argument is that they DO tend

What surprised me was tits on YouTube . . . they're normally really good about catching nudity and removing the videos. Not that I mind, of course, but it's a silly policy. You can see videos on there of real people being shot, violence of all kinds, unedited clips from Saw and the like, but god forbid you show a

One of the highlights (or lowlights, depending on your perspective) of my early pointless high-school job career was prepping a Toys-R-Us for opening and working there from one summer to just past the Christmas season in the late-80's. At the grand opening of the store, a bunch of us got the honor of (read, forced

She is the Blood of the Dragon, is that not enough?

SW tends to be packed on my server as well, I think one difference is that there are now 2 auction houses so not everyone is gathered around the Trade District AH anymore. IF is pretty much a ghost town, but that's because all the Cataclysm-area portals are in SW, so really no point to hangout in IF. Kind of like how

My advice to Mr. Extreme fro San Diego? NO CAPES!

This is the one I meant to upload earlier, I hope...

A friend linked this to me this morning, and I was overwhelmed with the amount of win in this image. Molly Quinn, otherwise known as Nathon Fillion's daughter on Castle, dressed as Mal. (Hope the image link works, I haven't had good luck in the past)

Thanks for the great read, I like the recent focus on various medical and scientific breakthroughs on cancer. My wife is battling Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer, and being as that there is no Stage 5, I'm very interested in seeing anything new that's coming out.

This has all happened before, and will happen again.

Now, yes, this is really cool science, but I'm drawn to one phrase that I keep seeing that frankly scares the bejezzus out of me...

I live in Gilbert, AZ, but am currently on vacation in Minneapolis so I missed this. From what I understand from our neighbors, our pool is a mess and we lost a lot of pool toys/floaties (blew away with the high winds) but everything was pretty much ok. Would have been incredible to see first hand, so I'm a little


So say we all

John Cusak, but yeah, does look a bit like Baltar in that picture. From "Being John Malkovich"

This is the portal that I most wanted to go through, to be honest.

Chapter 3: You're fat

I think I can dig up a Wonder Woman costume for her, at least . . . but I don't think the movie I'd have her make in that costume would be good for general audience release. As another poster already said, wanting to see her dressed as Wonder Woman isn't the same as wanting to see her play Wonder Woman.

One of the best things about that scene (other than the fact that Joffrey gets bitch-slapped several times) was how Clegane, the Hound, doesn't even flinch . . . you know he's wanted to do that for years.

I see they've dropped just saying "we call it The Cure" and added "for Alzheimer's" . . . a little better, but still sounds cheesy to be honest. "We call it, 'the cure for Alzheimer's'" . . . as opposed to, knowing the story, what we'd call it . . . the end of humanity?