Good lord, whoever did that should be shot, that was horrible editing. And brilliant comparison, I'm going to hear Walken every time I watch that trailer now.
Good lord, whoever did that should be shot, that was horrible editing. And brilliant comparison, I'm going to hear Walken every time I watch that trailer now.
I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't seen that one . . . though it's on my list, just never got around to it. Maybe I'll try to watch that during my Daddy-quiet-time on Sunday :)
Oh, man, I had forgotten about when Spock died . . . no spoilers for that back in the day, I was crying leaving the theater. I remember many a playground debate about if Vader was just messing with Luke trying to get inside his head, too. Ahhhh, good times...good times
The last one that really got me, or at least the one that comes to mind the fastest, was "The Departed". I won't spoil that for anyone here, I was coming in fresh and the twist at the end honestly had me silenced for a good 15 minutes after the movie ended taking it all in.
Coincidentally, just watched that scene when I was flipping channels the other night and it happened to be on. It was real shaving cream (Nedry, laughing, says, "What, no menthol?"), he was looking for someplace to wipe it off his hand and saw the piece of pie on a dessert tray behind him. That's where it wound up . .…
True, bloodthirsty, foolish, and a coward, I think we all knew that about him so far. I just hoped when I got to that part in the book that he either would have taken mercy for his "sweet Sansa" or Cersi would have intervened (which, in hindsight she obviously wouldn't do). Shocked me when it actually happened, even…
Funny, but I remember reading a while back that Sean Bean was only signed for one season, even when the show was picked up for the second season after its first episode. Writing was kind of on the wall, even for someone who hadn't read the books.
I read the first book already, and when that happened in the book it was truly a shock to me, and tragic . . . there was foreshadowing, but I honestly didn't think Joff had the stones to overrule Cersi and have Ned killed right there in front of Sansa. The optimist in me wanted to believe that the Lannisters would…
As if us lefties don't already have it hard enough. I still remember my 2nd grade teacher who tried to force me to be right-handed, and how poorly I did in her class. And then my accepting 3rd grade teacher who helped me learn to grip a pencil properly with my left hand. For years, I even kept a left-handed mug she…
"Oh, and I can kill you with my brain" is one I like to use from time to time as well when delegating something at work. My habit, though, is slightly changing movie quotes to fit the context. Example . . . my youngest son gets out of the pool ready to come inside and take a bath, and starts running around the house…
I watched the first one with my kids a couple of months back and was really amazed at how they really grew into their roles over time.
Awesome, the guy playing Serio is one of my favorites - that scene was heart-wrenching in the book.
Haven't watched this episode yet, but was there a scene with Arya and her Dancing Master? It was a great scene in the book and I was looking forward to watching it played out.
Mokey as River Tam was inspired. I can just see her deilvering the "Oh, and I can kill you with my brain" line to Fozzie, and standing bloodied in a room full of dead Reavers.
If someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!
LOVED the clip with Pam, Jessica, and Hoyt - I'd let Jessica bite me any day . . uhm, I mean, night :)
and he would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for those pesky kids!
One thing I think might have contributed to this drop in subscriptions is a pretty significant cost of entry to new users. Sure, you have the free trial to try to get new people hooked, but in order to get to Cataclysm stuff it's going to cost you the original game, the Burning Crusade expansion, the Lich King…
Frak. Yes! Amazing rendition all the way to the end, loved it.
Agreed, you can't judge the end product by the first image you see . . . most of the time, at least (I thought the new Green Lantern CGI costume was questionable to begin with, and I'm still not sold on it after seeing trailers and scenes).