Nope, Steven Wright, remember that stand-up act from when I was a kid. Around the same era as "If you were in a car driving at the speed of light, and you turned on your headlights, would they do anything?"
Nope, Steven Wright, remember that stand-up act from when I was a kid. Around the same era as "If you were in a car driving at the speed of light, and you turned on your headlights, would they do anything?"
Perhaps you didn't read the article where she said, "If this doesn't add value to their Minnesota house, nothing will." I'm sure he doesn't care about payback, and I wouldn't either, I was commenting on the article. Lighten up, Francis, good lord...
Well, while it is an incredible piece of work and my kids would love it (for a few weeks, at least), you obviously have never tried to sell a house. What's great for one person might not work for the next family coming around, I can bet he's not going to get that money back out of that project.
You know, as a father of children with autism, I'm honestly not sure what to feel about this yet. On the one hand, autism awareness is a great cause as more people need to learn about the disorder. I like when shows or movies come around with characters affected by autism, showing people what the disability is like.…
I began having this problem as well on my work laptop, running Windows XP and IE 8 (Firefox is blocked, system is locked so we can't install other non-approved apps...). Works fine on my home machine, Macbook Pro using Safari, so I'm guessing it's a browser compatibility issue.
She had ears?
I was waiting for the Mighty Eagle to show up and squash the cake flat :)
Well, color me impressed - actually very well done. Had me watching to the end. A bit much for a shoe commercial, but as Rodriguez said, "Product placement gets us bigger budget. Bigger budget, bigger explosions."
I just took a look, and it appears that you have to pay to unlock other teams/conferences/divisions? $0.99 for each division or conference pack, something called a "privileges pack", and $2.99 for the "Big Man Package" . . . as much as $5 is a steal for this game, I absolutely HATE being charged extra for things . . .…
@NorthernRoamer: If there's a national emergency, and it causes me to miss my WoW raid, that'll be my cause for riot...
So say we all
@Drummertist v.3: that's cause they haven't made their own phone hardware in many years. At least 10 years ago, I remember V-Tech won the contract to make their consumer cordless phones and were simply rebranded as AT&T. The days of the loading-dock drop test are long gone unfortunately.
So, while "Mr. and Mrs. Incredible" does look great . . . how do they get around a clearly trademarked charcter name from Pixar, along with a similar premise of ex-superheroes learning to live with a regular life?
@GitEmSteveDave: And to also quote Will Smith, "Ooooh, HELLL naw!"
@kurozukin: Crickets truly should not meddle in the ways of bearded dragons, for they are crunchy and good with ketchup.
@PaddyDugan: Not sure about the current Verizon plan where they bundle the iPad with their hotspot device, but AT&T lets you buy the data by the month, basically. No contract, turn it on, turn it off, whatever.
@Wookielifeday: Made me spit my coffee, was not expecting that - most awesome :)
You forgot to mention Tiffany in the Mega Monty Python Gatoradoid movie too . . . loving having her and Debbie Gibson together again. Even if the movies are unwatchable, they still bring me back. Hoping for another catfight like last time.
Natalie Portman . . . British accent . . . the way she says "Oh, reeeaaallly?" in that clip before pummeling Danny McBride . . .