"The Spider-Man Broadway musical is looking like a really bad idea."
"The Spider-Man Broadway musical is looking like a really bad idea."
"group a bunch of iPads together and call them the biggest iPhone in the world"
@brundlefly: lol . . . holy crap, I remember having trouble posting that comment but didn't think it would duplicate that many times . . . :)
@AZTriGuy: Oh, remembered another one. Another spoiler alert....
@akacrash: I concur, it's most definitely there in the movie (though I'm also not sure if it was just added on that 20th anniversary disc or was in the original). The wife and I watched it a couple weeks back and I laughed my head off when I saw that part. It's during the chase scene when Tron, Flynn, and the other…
@akacrash: I concur, it's most definitely there in the movie (though I'm also not sure if it was just added on that 20th anniversary disc or was in the original). The wife and I watched it a couple weeks back and I laughed my head off when I saw that part. It's during the chase scene when Tron, Flynn, and the other…
*spoiler alert*
*spoiler alert*
@akacrash: It's there, the wife and I watched the movie again a couple weeks back and I laughed my head off at that part. Not sure if it was added in the 20th anniversary edition (which we have as well) or in the original, but I agree, it's there.
@akacrash: It's there, the wife and I watched the movie again a couple weeks back and I laughed my head off at that part. Not sure if it was added in the 20th anniversary edition (which we have as well) or in the original, but I agree, it's there.
@nodoctors001: I fondly remember the quarters lined up on the cabinet joint between the controllers and the screen . . . I got next game, dude :)
Holy crap, I played this at the same arcade, Owen . . . maybe even around the same time (NCSU, '89-'94).
I hope they say something about how a computer was able to run 24/7 for the last 20 years without some kind of failure . . . I barely get through a week without my system crashing in one way shape or form.
@fozfan33: 14 was a real bitch, wasn't it? That took me a good solid 45 minutes to 3-star.
I gotta tell you, my kid absolutely LOVES the Advent calendar aspect of this. First off, it lets him concentrate on a single level to get 3-stars on without getting distracted by going on to the next level. Second, the first thing he does every morning now after he wakes up is to see what the new day's level is and…
crap, late again . . .
I must have watched "Real Genius" a thousand times on HBO reruns back in the day. I always remember the quote where he was hiting on the professor's daughter:
@twophrasebark: In the first "The Force Unleashed" game (at least, the Wii edition that had some exclusive levels) you did get to at least kill a bad-guy Gungan and imagine that he's Jar Jar . . .
@RalOberon: I was actually hoping she'd be killed by Cad Bane . . .
This was actually a pretty good phishing attempt. The fact that it made it through Gmail's filter says something - check the headers in the email if you got it, it really did a good job at spoofing all the various tell-tale phishing giveways.