Was "Ender's Game" too obvious of a choice?
@MrGOH: 8-bits? You could afford 8-bits? I had a fraking pong-pixel bouncing back and forth on our 19" black and white TV. And we liked it!
@Taggart451: That's what I was thinking, some kind of augmented reality glasses of sorts.
@TwiceDead: Well played, good sir, well played!
@Dyn: The Fae could get pretty scary in the Sookie Stackhouse books, I won't spoil anything about them but they were certainly no Tinkerbells . . .
@ObservantUnderachiever: I was thinking the same thing, a twisted old-style Disney ride . . . you're on a spinny car, crash through a door into a single room with a scene, you watch a little of it, then spin on the track and go through the next door.
Under normal circumstances, I'd be right there with you all reveling in the awesome name of this scorpion (and great choice of Vallejo art, I think that is always appropriate no matter the circumstance).
I've been using it for about a week now, and between it and my $9/mo Netflix I pretty much have my media covered now and will be canceling my cable service when it comes up in Sept. I set up a media center using a Mac mini and Boxee where I store my DVD library (all legal thanks to the recent fair-use ruling from the…
First time I played Doom was in college, and frankly it scared the shit out of me that first run through. This was the first game to give me first-person related motion sickness. Later, after college and living in a townhouse with two other network-admin geeks, I got my first taste of Doom deathmatch multiplayer (our…
@sniperboy4: Didn't see Survival of the Dead, I gave him one last shot with the Diary of the Dead and then I had to finally say goodbye. You could say that he's "dead" to me now. Or "undead" . . . not sure
I kept waiting near the end of that time lapse for her to jump up and eat the brains of one of the makeup artists.
"Let's imagine you have a friend who you didn't mind sacrificing for science."
@alwayslost01: I'm with you, I can see the signal strength go down when I grab it in the death grip manner, but honestly I have yet to drop a call - everything else about the phone is great. I drop more calls on my BB Bold that I have for work, honestly.
@AZTriGuy: Nevermind, found it and it does sound like you guys saw some newer stuff. For those who might not have seen it, here's the previous one I was thinking about:
Is this much different than the trailer that was released a few weeks back showing scenes from both parts of the final chapter? The description sounds familiar, and I know there were some snipets in that of Harry and Volde . . . Volde . . . oh, you-know-who - fighting one on one outside the castle. I'll see if I can…
Oh. My. Fraking. God.
So, if they are calling Captain America, "The First Avenger", and Thor is now also titled, "The Mighty Avenger", is the next Iron Man going to be subtitled, "The Drunk Avenger"?
My guess *potential spoiler**
Wait, wait . . . didn't this phone just come out a couple of days ago? Like, Friday?