
To quote Will Smith . . . "Awwww, HELL-no!"

Rosa . . . you have . . . a darling love already?

In the second video, I saw the gorilla, and I noticed at the end that the curtain was a different color than it was at the beginning but I didn't see when it changed. Totally missed the person on the black team leaving.

Oh, come on, now you're dissing my alma-mater . . . we're not ALL rednecks there.

@PN - goopplesoft: and don't forget the special couch to stick the fleshlight in to make it more comfortable to screw...

@lawrencesmith9: I still have occasional nightmares about Maximillian coming at me with those damn spinning blades . . . scared the hell out of me then, and still does now when I see that scene with Tony Perkins.

@TechHaze: Watch out, those kind of comments will make you lose your star :)

The Wire . . . that is all

As if this wasn't already on my list to see . . . well, I can use the money I was going to spend on Last Airbender and put to this instead :)

I initially thought the same thing, but remember - the porn industry initially backed HD-DVD over BluRay for hi-def snogging. We saw how well THAT turned out.

@Snowbunny: And not to mention the "Southern Vampire Mysteries" predate the "Twilight" books if my memory serves me correctly. If that's right, then it's kind of hard for it to be trying to be like Twilight if it came first.

We looked at solar panels for our roof here in AZ, and while these built-in panels are pretty cool and all, they might not work as well as the traditional solar array that usually gets put up. Usually they need to angle and position the panels a certain way to make sure they get the highest amount of sunlight possible

@vinod1978: The iMovie app will have stabilization, works pretty will in the full iLife version of it so I'm interested to see how it will translate to the iPhone version.

I think the best order for going through the series when introducing anyone who hasn't had any SW experience (my kids several years ago, for example, when I started them off as my padawans) is:

They could have at least put a juciy zombie picture there on the headline, or some kind of apocolyptic landscape littered with carcasses. Nice fun idea, but it seems a bit unfinished. They could have written some of the stories, I was saddened when I clicked on one of the story links and it just went back to the top

@Whyspir: Easy, just throw some "Baby Spice" on him and bring him down to size.

It's really pretty funny, actually. Half the people in trade are talking crap about those who bought the mounts, and the other half bought them...I even caught one guy talking about how they're all losers for spending $25 on the mount, and I saw him in Dalaran later actually on one.

Virtual Shackles was great this week, have to send that to my Facebook friends addicted to Farmville. Oh, wait, I have zero friends...

@1969intheSunshine: You forgot the "I never thought this could happen to me..."