
Yeah, it’s really easy. Use your finger to scroll by them. Also, if you know you don’t like them, you can avoid them by not clicking on them, not reading them, then not posting a comment.

“So either these women and Hispanics are ok with misogyny and racism against themselves”

But enough about Donny and Melania!

Ha, you gotta be fucking kidding me. Ya’ll were triggered by Starbucks cup colors, for gods sakes. GTFO.

You do know KellyAnne Conway already came out and said Trump needs his own security/intellgence forces, right? That sounds a little suspicious ina Brownshirts kinda way, right? If you think that was her own idea and not floated right from DJT, I mean.....

“There were two candidates running who might actually care about the American people. Thankfully, one of them won and we’ll get to see if I’m right about that.”

Yes, the Republicans never protested when Obama was elected. Ooops, I mean, they never protested without cosplaying they were from the 19th century.

“They haven’t been in the news in DECADES”

Well, we should certainly ignore it then. Obviously, if he does horrible things and we become numb to them, THAT’S the best outcome!

Jesus, you have got to be fucking kidding me with this bullshit.

Shut up, asshole

No switchblade against your neck when she said that? YOU LIE

There’s a 90% chance that last sentance didn’t happen.

And it has AIDS?

You are a complete and fucking idiot that has no idea how the world works. What are we burning down? The government? Society? and how do we rebuild it? Who makes those calls? Get your head out of your ass, you fucking dipshit.

“The left wants to throw the assholes in jail”

Yes, it’s the left that is so caught up on speech. By the way, are we allowed to say Happy Holidays now? Or have red, non-religious cups at Starbucks? GTFO

True, because that 10% of difference between HRC and Bernie’s platforms was totally worth a Trump presidency.

“She’s more old-school republican, old money, than today’s democrat.”

“No more mooching off the working”