Freedom of the speech deals with the government impeding speech, not fucking douchebags being called out for hating women, dip-shit. If you are going to "fight" for freedom of speech, you should know what it is. Continue "not" supporting GamerGate.
Freedom of the speech deals with the government impeding speech, not fucking douchebags being called out for hating women, dip-shit. If you are going to "fight" for freedom of speech, you should know what it is. Continue "not" supporting GamerGate.
"GG is a bunch of unorganized fuck wads"
Did you think I would read another asinine diatribe? You certainly think we all give a lot more fucks than we actually do.
Nobody cares because they aren't all that interesting to watch, or they are too similar to other sports that are more popular. I've seen all three, and other than rugby, they are almost unwatchable. Also, millions of people play basketball or have done so in the past; a fraction of that play those fringe sports.
"Is it more because of the exceptionally skilled players"
My 4 year old niece feels better when she has a temper tantrum too
There's no fucking way you believe this bullshit
Wow, next time just say "I'm an ignorant asshole"; it would have saved you a lot of time on some shit no one will read.
Good thing there's no fucking point to this comment
Looks like about 300 people disagree
Sick burn, brah, you TOTES crushed it! I mean, women are weak and pathetic, so calling me a woman is a WICKED CRAZY AWESOMELY deep cut to my soul. Now, head back to talk about deer piss while I sit here recovering from your verbal barbarism.
OJ had a pretty good reputation too, didn't he? Also, I imagine that's probably not the first time he was under the influence (a bullshit excuse for punching a woman, by the way), so who's to say it's the first time he hit her? If anything, a full-out punch like that which didn't lead to the end of the relationship…
A response a month later? I forgot you even existed, son. TL;DR, and I don't give a fuck.
Bullshit. You are looking for a reason to justify an abuser when the actual reason is staring you in the face. Go back to taunting women on Jez, asshole, because you are failing here.
The minor stroke Ditka had that he returned to work less than 3 days after? Cool, let him say whatever he wants then, because he had a minor health issue 2 years ago. Maybe you should start working on your own mental capacity.
I know, its shocked that an abused woman who likely was beaten in the past did not speak out against her abuser. I mean, when you look at the research, abused women ALWAYS are very strong willed and not afraid to speak up. By the way, are you happy being an apologist for Rice, or just a Ravens fan? Either way, I don't…
The fact that it was likely not the first time he beat her, because abused women are more likely to stay with their husbands or boyfriends? Excellent point, thanks for bringing it up!
He's an apologist for a man who beat his wife unconscious. Fuck him
So was he was nurtured or natured into thinking beating your future wife unconscious is ok? Dipshit
Wow, a pre-emptive mental health defense? I'd say you sounds like an attorney, but that's assumed since you are a massive asshole.