
Your comment is already terrible, you don't need to add poor grammar to it in order to prove you're an ill-educated jackass.

In that same world, your parents would have stayed celibate. Unfortunately, none of us get what we want.

With that firm grip of reading comprehension and understanding of tone, I think we have a U of Arizona grad right here!

Between your enjoyment of Elk's jokes and your sweet comeback, I don't think you know humor enough to police it. I'm sure you have some great "your momma" jokes though

Sick burn, brah.

I know, and they don't even address that in the article!

Cool, I didn't know Peter King posted on Deadspin

It shouldn't be a big deal, but it is, or maybe you didn't notice the articles and reports all over the news. And to say I am acting like gay=disability is asinine; if anything, THAT'S exactly why Sam coming out is a big deal. People saying football is a "manly man's" sport and that gays shouldn't be in it. That's why

The fact that you want to pretend that it's not big news says it all. Have a nice day

You're the one whining about people not listening to how much you dislike gays, pal. However, I agree the tolerance of evil is evil, and that's why we want you to just STFU. God judges, not his pitiful followers


Yep, it sucks when people won't tolerate you being an intolerant asshole, right?

Because you would rather be pulling ON him?

This may be the saddest thing I have ever read


The only thing worse than your "hot political takes" is your grammar, spelling, and likely odor. Also, next time remember which burner account you are using when you are trying (and utterly failing) to attack someone; it really screws up your "narrative".

ShhhhhhTFU. Go back to ESPN with your "hot sports takes"

Please feel free to, a funny comment would be welcome

If they still put up Sherman posts in 2 years, then you can make the argument. Until then, there is no similarity to using an actual, recent event that the entire country is reporting on for blog posts to pulling Tebow out of the crap heap to waste 5 minutes of your viewers' time on

So whats your point, you think Sherman is a thug and Deadspin should stop talking about him, even though it just happened 8 days ago? How is that similar to ESPN's obsession with a guy who hasn't taken a legit snap in 2 years?