
Not at all, I am calling bullshit on your idiotic idea that people should tolerate intolerant assholes by using hyperbole about Hitler. Calling the idea that homosexuality is equivalent to a disability that can be fixed by a doctor (which is a massive misunderstanding of either biology or psychology, or both) an

This is always such a great point, every time I read it. I mean, why shouldn't tolerant people be tolerant of intolerance? I mean, Hitler got a bad rap when he was intolerant of Jews, amirite?!

What about the fact that his opinion is completely wrong? If he said being black was like being disabled and could be fixed by a doctor by lighting the skin's pigment, is that just an opinion too?

He has been advocating for much longer than it has been bringing him anything in return, so it's not like he is pretending to be something he isn't here. Also, Kluwe even states he is trying to draw attention to the issue so a rabid bigot doesn't get hired as a head coach. He might be getting positive praise for it,

So you are saying you are pro-Hitler? I mean, you compare me to him, but you must tolerate his hatred of Jews and how he murdered millions of them, because we have to be tolerant of evil, hateful assholes, right? Also, quick question: does the short bus that takes you to the library so you can spray this written feces

Wow, if you are intolerant of dumb people, how the hell do you live with yourself? To say people are bigoted because they think others who hate or are intolerant of people who are black, gay, Jewish, etc are bigots is one of the dumbest statements ever made in the history of the world. I guess I am a bigot, because I

"I'm not trying to impress anyone."

Are you fucking serious? Yes, great leaders should never use their power to push the idea of tolerance. I mean, Martin Luther King should have just shut up, amirite??

I know, the way he goes from "respect other people" to "Muslim president"? It would be poetry if he obviously wasn't a fucking moron

Great point, we should totally stop being bigoted against the KKK, Nazis, and child molesters. I mean, that's just their opinion and we should respect it!

He literally states he knows his age and skill level played into the decision. He also states his coach and GM wanted him censored and his ST coach was a bigot. They can both play a factor, right? Also, this serves him in almost no way; his fans still like him, & the anti-LGBT crowd hates him.

He literally says he wasn't that good anymore, so you may have been reading a different article before posting

He said that they should all be killed, you fucking ranting piece of trash. A little bit of a difference, wouldn't you say? I guess the whole "thou shall not kill" part of the bible missed your purview?

Good point, liberals should be more tolerant of intolerance. I mean, the KKK is just misunderstood when they rail against interracial marriage, we should respect them too!

Do you see that number at the top of the article? You are right though, he has NO platform since he's out of the league...

Time to go back to commenting about Aj McCarrons girlfriend,son; either that or check your meds and your caps lock key. Why is it the anti-gay assholes are so worried about cocks being put into them?

I get upset when someone proves me wrong too, man, it's ok

Replied to the wrong post, my bad

It makes you uncomfortable that Kluwe uses his public image to bring attention to the issue of LGBT rights? That's the whole point of famous people using their clout; they have clout that normal people don't have because people pay attention to them

Fox News comments in crayon go on another page, Caps-Lock