
And you do so around black people? One, I think you are full of shit. Two, if you do, I doubt you are white. Three, if you do and you are white, you have huge balls, are an asshole, or a combination of both

Yes, and sports teams are the way to keep them in memory. Maybe the new silliest argument on this issue, props to you!

Yes, because Native Americans have so much power in the media that THEY should be the ones speaking out. Don't be a dipshit, this article is LITERALLY a Native American explaining why he thinks the term is racist

I know, stupid Frederick Douglas kept speaking about slavery for like EVER! Why didn't he just shut up about it?

So you understand it's a racist term, but because you are cool with it, you think the name is fine. Cool story, bro

Cool, so next time you are listening to a rap song that has the n-word in it, make sure you sing it out loud no matter how many black people are around it. I mean, you are just singing a song, not calling THEM the n-word, right?

So how many people have to feel discriminated against until you feel like the name should be changed? I do like there is a ratio of oppression scale here, maybe we can make a game show out of it!!

So Natives can't want housing, food, water AND to not have a racist nickname for a football team? Did you even read the article?

"I like reading entertaining comments."

"Russia's sports minister has said the country's law banning "homosexual propaganda" will be in full effect during the 2014 Olympics in Sochi—and will apply to foreign athletes."

Eh, I was basing it off summer Olympic numbers, so it would actually be closer to about 250. Is oppressing people ok as long as its less than 1,000 people?

Don't be such a Santorum, dude

Likely rarely

I mean, you're probably right

What did Mexico ever do to earn that!?

Dude, do you have any idea what is going on in Russia? It's not like there is some made-up event that human rights groups are blowing up. LGBT individuals are being severely repressed in that country. It may not be precise, but if 8-10% of the human population is LGBT (and that could be on the low end for athletes),

"Anti-gay is the new racist in the media vernacular."

Well, if you are going to just make a list, you should have included OREGON, not Oregon State. Now we just think you are stupid AND a shitty poster

Yep, no cheaters in that group!

I am sure your dad is jealous of Dom Tiberi, because he wishes his kid would go ahead and die as well