
Do valets need to use the cruise control and the radio, to park the guests’ cars? I bet that this key will soon be named as “the idiot’s key” and very few people will be happy to receive it.

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How that clip can be played?’s nothing but a void (null) javascript:

Indeed there’s a big difference between clicking and hovering... it’s about the same difference that you may find between sweeping your peter over a beaver, and shoving it in. But sure you won’t understand this either. And that operation only shows you the first line of the comment, so if the change was made further,

This comment was just hateful, without any connection to real facts, present or past. That dude hates GM... good for him. But he didn’t deserve a prize. As to this issue, I stand with my opinion:

Not click it. Hover the mouse over the date and time and you’ll read the first line of the comment.

What has this to do with cars?*

I humbly think that only some clueless idiot could suppose that GM is criticizing aluminum in general. They are obviously criticizing its application in a truck bed or cargo area. Sure in the future they will use aluminum too, but I bet my left nut it will be for the outer body panels and not for the beds of their

The uploader is a big, humongous idiot... because he maybe thinks that here in Europe we are all queuing to see a bump on the side of NASCAR stock car... sure!

Dunno... but I’d rather wear an anti-pollution mask while sweeping the highway, since all those powdered residuals cannot be good for our health. Just an idea...

Thank you!!

First, front loaders DO NOT SPOIL the laundry, second they use a much lesser amount of water (14 to 25 gallons (53 L to 94.6 L) of water per load, against the 40 to 45 gallons (151.4 L to 170.3 L) of water per load of an old type of top loader) and this means a lesser electricity consumption as well. Eventually, if

First, front loaders DO NOT SPOIL the laundry, second they use a much lesser amount of water (14 to 25 gallons (53 L to 94.6 L) of water per load, against the 40 to 45 gallons (151.4 L to 170.3 L) of water per load of an old type of top loader) and this means a lesser electricity consumption as well. Eventually, if

Another suggestion is to run an empty machine, hot temperature, long washing cycle with three tablets of dishwasher detergent (or one full cup, if you use the dishwasher detergent in powder) because it has a strong degreasing power and will melt and remove all traces of condensed grease and liquid detergent jelly,

Sweeping platinum is cute, but to be sincere indeed I find myself liking more:

That LASC was quite cute, but to be sincere indeed I find myself liking more:

All those who remove the badges from their cars are just cuckolded, clueless idiots that have nothing better to do. And while they remove their badges, their wife cheats on them with the clever neighbor, who still has all the badges on his hood.

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These British policemen are indeed some poor wretches, if they have to resort to such miserable tricks only to be able to drive a Lamborghini. Unlike their Italian colleagues, who instead only need to go down to their garage and take one. Even if it’s just to do some donuts...

Thank you for the clip! I’m just trying to identify this car that sure is one of the first Ferrari of the 40s - 50s... problem is that in those times the bodies were made by several different makers, like Vignale, Scaglietti and Abarth as well, without considering the modifications directly made or requested by the