
But if it had gone to the U.K., it could have ended this way:

It cannot be better than Otto Pilot:

Mooom!... this kid is so LAME!!..

Indeed I concur that the possibility that turning road cars into regular cars would become illegal could attract some clicks...

A Pontiac Aztek, maybe?

That’s what I hope as well, and I’d have hoped too that a journalist who’s worth of this name and who feels worth of earning the salary they pay to him, would reread his articles at least once, before publishing... but nooo...

Tires fetishism.... a very rare, although quite innocuous sexual perversion.

Thanks! I’m from Europe and here we do not have those... of course, I’ve thought that it could have been some sort of camera, but I was puzzled by the apparently missing transparent area for the lenses.

Please, what is that thingie looking like a “radar dome”, on top of their roll-bars?...

Leave me alone!!! ...I know what I’m doing!

I’d most kindly remind you that this is the 21st century, i.e. the era of mass communication and information. It could be a spoiler only for those like you, who were once kidnapped and kept locked in a soundproofed basement so far.



That’s Paradise, for the moronic texting drivers!

Because the original picture was resized by a moron... indeed it was like this:

Indeed I cannot do without quoting: “turning road cars into regular cars would become illegal”...this I don’t get: ain’t a road car a regular car as well? What the heck did you mean with that? I am SO curios and moreover, people have the right to know!

Indeed Elon Musk is a genius: he gives a doubled vision to his customers, so they crash and buy another Tesla!

Normal doors are more than enough, and would lower the end price. Maybe this is the problem. Indeed I hate Elon Musk.

Bridge wing low... indeed!