
OK, indeed it’s huge... but was not THAT wide:

But, but... the FIAT 500L indeed IS SOLD in the USA!

Funny how they exaggerated the width, in those adverts.

Thanks! ...sorrily, there’s none on weekends.

So what? An RPG or a shoulder-fired missile could stop a tank as well... and this in your dumb opinion would render the tanks useless. This makes me wonder why all those idiotic nations (yours included) go on making tanks...

It’s of course a matter of personal opinions. As to me I like my kittens well trimmed, not waxed.

Just to say that your JW Player is crap. Please stick back to YouTube.

It was made to be politically correct, since this is the cancer of our times. Those idiots do not understand that the formerly called “ashtray” is nothing more than an indispensable, small waste receptacle that we may find useful to dispose the chewingum paper, a parking ticket, a soiled paper handkerchief full of

Thank you for your understanding, and best regards.

Your comment is quite funny, so out of the gray you go!

I get out enough, thank you. That’s why I’m sure of what I wrote.


Correction: “Smoking may become a health issue for someone” like alcohol, sugar, peanuts, the sun, the amoeba in lakes water, the barbecued rib-eye, the overhead high tension wires, the magnetic fields at your workplace, the industrial pollution, and the list could go on but I’m not going to tire you... just be

Didn’t say exactly that. Just than IMO drinking, eating and driving is not necessary and may become dangerous, while a 10 minutes break for a GOOD coffee is priceless. Because we live only once.

That is true. I once had to drink four of them to stay awake all night long at the Tel Aviv airport, while a (idiot) colleague of mine was being questioned because he forgot he had a Syrian visa on his passport... and in the morning I puked my soul out.

As someone here said, cupholders are helpful when you travel LONG distances without frequent rest areas. It’s not our case. My present car has three cupholders (the front ones work with a nice push-pull mechanism, just under the radio) but in 7 years I never used them even once.

Believe it or not, it was a joke. Keeping your job is becoming quite difficult even here, and the overseers are very attentive to the workers who take too many pauses. In my office, we have one 15 minutes coffee break in the morning and another in mid afternoon.

That may be, and I thought about that. In another post, I wrote that in Italy (and most of western Europe) you never drive more than 20 Km between a bar and the next one...

That was a fashionista’s marketing stunt. As far as I know, no one here has that thing. Maybe they sold a couple in the USA.