phrase of beauty
Oh, the quotes....
Collins English Dictionary - Pioneers in dictionary publishing since 1819
In Europe we call it “Formula 1" or “F1" for short, but it’s always “Formula 1" in our spoken sentences. How do you call it in the U.S.A.? Or there’s a joke I cannot see and someone is already searching for that most idiotic GIF of the missed point?
Of course English is NOT my mother language, but all the dictionaries, translators and search engines I’ve typed it into, say it’s an error. D’oh!
You’re most welcome! I knew for sure that once a clip exists, you can find it in many places on the web... then I really do not understand why someone would put such an useless restriction on his own copy...
I never played this game, but of one thing I am SO sure: I will NEVER let a vampire suck my pride and joy!
First thing first, “misset” is not a word. And the problem is sure due to a defective robot on the assembly line. Because a robot doesn’t make a single mistake, but goes on till the quality dude becomes aware of it. In such a case, usually all the probably defective products are blocked at the warehouse, to be…
Bravo. You got it. A quite rare occurence today, if I may say it so myself.
If that was a structural failure, I am Daffy Duck. I will never understand how such demented idiots can live among us, and pretend to be normal people...
Soldiers traumatized and very scared. Not good soldiers. Nope. Niet. No.
...and this is for all the peones who like me get the effin’ message: “The uploader has not made this video available in your country” because, what the eff’ that’s so racist!!! #othercountriesmatter #othercountriesneverforget #othercountrieswilleffupyours
You’re the one who got a brain structural failure... I blame the Zika virus!
That’s because the Airbus is a strong, reliable plane and 100% terrorist proof.
1) Because they make the shot more vivacious..
Wut? ...he just brought his teacher girlfriend to work! #omniamundamundis