
“This in 1971, and you better not transport your tree like that.”

Already said. He said “most Russian” and Siberia is in Russia, which makes your comment the most redundant comment ever in the history of... whatever.

Personally I like to leave the Nativity alone, but just to please you I happened to find King Herod’s car... dunno if there’s a Hot Wheels model of it, though...

Why can’t you leave Christmas alone, and make some jokes about Hannuka instead? Indeed I know the answer, but sure and as usual you won’t like it...

So far I was sure that chrome wrapping is illegal in most of the civilized western world. But maybe I was wrong.

The boy is on his good road to become a statistic, as soon as he meets an armed cop. The non-exception that will confirm the rule.


Maybe. And you know what’s the difference between an estate and a wagon?

I would remind you of the station wagon, that in Italy becomes “Giardinetta Familiare” where “Familiare” means apt for family use, while the heck if I know why we called them “Giardinetta”... it’s must be something related to garden (“giardino”) keeping, or drinking a glass of Chianti in your garden... I must search

“Luxury Fast Touring” would be a better translation. Phrase construction means a lot, you know... and “Stradale” means “Roadworthy” and is used for a (pseudo) race care that can circulate on the public roads as well.

Indeed that’s what we do.

“It was kept in a garage the whole time”...

.com usually means a US site, because the first sites were born in the US and .com is the oldest suffix. .eu is not used at all. We Europeans usually like to enforce our national pride, so we have .it, .fr. .es, .de, .uk, .gr and so on.

Fantastic info! Thank you so much!

Well, the Crash Test Dummies band I understand, but will someone please explain to a European why “hurts-donuts” is so entertaining? I can only understand that “hurts” means “is painful” and a “donut” can be both a circle made by a sliding, accelerating car and a sweet with a hole in the middle. Why coupling them is

Guy who buys for £50K an used car that would cost him £56K when new, is not the sharpest tool in the shed.